Shit City

Well, it was a bit of a disaster alright, last night, but not at all in the way that I had thought.

It was, in fact, what I used to call ‘shit city’.

Great piles of the stuff, mostly on the newspaper but, when the newspaper ran out of space, the floor.

And I do mean huge piles of it. So much so that I ‘growled’ at Dino. Obviously, TLB (The Little Bastard – my new name for Piero) could not possibly have done it all.

However, after cleaning up, I took them out for a walk. We were out for about an hour and a half. At the start of the walk, Dino did a pooh which was normal. It made me doubt that any of the shit in shit city could be his …… and, yet?

On the way back, when we were nearly home, Piero had diarrhoea. So, it WAS him after all. I really don’t know how he fitted it all in his body in the first place!

The ‘culprit’ was a pine cone from a display we had had at Christmas. He’s been used to picking pine cones up in the pineta and thought this was the same. However, it probably had some ‘stuff’ on it that, I guess, wasn’t good for him.

Anyway, it all seems better this morning. We shall see tonight.

On the plus side, there was no damage done (that I could find), nor was anything ‘taken’. Let’s hope it continues!

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