I just read Lola’s blog and it reminded me about last night.
“There’s something wrong with Piero’s paw. Lift him on the table and look.”
I do so.
“He’s been licking it,” I am informed.
I don’t say it’s nothing to worry about or dogs are always licking something or let’s see if he continues to lick it, for these would be a waste of breath and time. No, the easiest and quickest thing is to look.
So I do. I carefully take the paw, examine and feel it all over, checking between the toes and underneath.
F spots a small tuft of matted hair and, not bothering to correct his assumptions (because he wouldn’t listen anyway) I let him cut it off with scissors.
“I’m sorry,” he says, meaning for bothering me or worrying me or something.
Which he didn’t but never mind.
What’s important is that he is satisfied there’s nothing there and nothing to worry about.
My “appropriate” reaction was all that was required to “fix” the situation.
G? Take note!

I’ll tell G.
Yes, the post was really some advice for G
LOL, I’ll translate it for him!
I like that!