Why ask a question and then, when you get the answer, complain that it is boring to you? Either don’t ask or don’t make out the answer is dull. To do otherwise is very rude and I despise rudeness.
Why ask a question and then, when you get the answer, complain that it is boring to you? Either don’t ask or don’t make out the answer is dull. To do otherwise is very rude and I despise rudeness.
What question, to whom and how were they rude??????
asking from across the pond.
with love
Does F like her?
To me.
By implying that either the answer was dull or that they were bored by the fact that F said he does.
And you are right – if people don’t want to know the answer or assumed a diferent answer they best not ask, huh?
Love you
Too true, Gail.