“Looking forward to seeing you and the babies”
It hasn’t been that long.
“We are still in the restaurant, eating outside. I imagine our holidays – with the babies”
I take them out of order and, probably out of context. It’s my blog and I can do what I want.
In fact, it is only since 5.45 this morning when I got up and left him to wake up more slowly. But he was getting up at 6 anyway. He was going to the store near Venice.
It is hot and sunny there and cooler and more rainy here. But the rain will pass. And, for our holidays, I hope it is not like other years and remains hot and sunny, even if it is the third week in August – not the best week for being on holiday here, in my experience.
In fact, if you wanted my advice, holidays in the Northern part of Italy should be taken in July for the hottest, sunniest weather, with June and September cooler (but still hot) but more risky for rainy days. August, around the 15th, is almost guaranteed rain!
But I did notice that, in the message I put at the start, I was mentioned first. I also realised that he is, really, really looking forward to going away with the dogs (and me).
He has an idea for Tuscany (this is NOT the holiday). The problem is the dogs (or the babies, as you will). His parents place means that we sleep in two very small rooms and he is concerned because they go to bed early (and are up early – which all sounds good to me) but (and I more than agree with him) it’s not so easy with the dogs. The flat, which he shares with his brother, is currently being used by some cousin or something.
I don’t know how many times I have to say that I was only joking (even if the reality was that I was only half-joking). His plan is that he goes down on the Friday and I follow Saturday afternoon. Then I stay Saturday night and I (or, maybe we) come back on Sunday.
“I want you to come to C”, he says. And I really think he does. And I don’t want to take the dogs to his parents. at least, not until they know me better or something. Gentle introductions are required here, I think. Even if they will never know who I really am and are unlikely to with the language barrier.
However, he is thinking of doing this in the next couple of weeks. Let’s see. With him, I can’t get too excited lest it doesn’t happen. His mind is still unfathomable to me. I know he thinks about things a lot but what actually goes on in his head is just impossible and I can’t follow his logic (if there is any) (and that’s after my advice to Lola earlier this afternoon hahahaha).
We expect things to work and we certainly take things for granted. Yesterday, in my head, I was looking forward to the shower I was going to have.
Except after nearly three hours, the three men went away, leaving me with a brand, spanking, new boiler …………. which didn’t work!
Another guy came today to fix it. It took him a while but he has done it. It was a blockage!! As I said to someone at work, today. I had one guy to carry things, one guy to fit the boiler and one guy to watch them do it. Now, I could add – and one guy to make it actually work!
So I went to lie down for a bit and then I heard the sound of someone coming in. It was my cleaner guy. Since he had to leave early yesterday (no water) he was going to add hours next Wednesday. Instead, he chose to come and do the ironing today.
So, tonight I have a long, hot shower AND I have all my shirts ironed.
Cool, if you see what I mean.
Today, I was recounting the story of how F & I met. The girl, A, thought it was a lovely story. Of course, my blog allows me to recount the circumstances in more detail than I would ever remember and for which I am grateful. She also wanted to know how it was to be gay; when did I know?; what about girls?, etc. I explained. I have nothing to hide. She was a bit shocked but then, in this country, there is an unawareness about it all that still surprises me. I wondered if this is what it is like in most of the world. I am truly grateful that I was born and brought up in the UK.
But back to the blog. I’m not sure that I always say all of the really important things but I think I was, mostly, faithful with my recounting the story, since it was written at the time. It makes me wonder, if, in a few years time, some of the essence of the whole thing will be gone from the blog. It’s not really a diary, is it? It’s more a collection of random thoughts and random happenings in my life. Some things are deliberately missed (for various reasons); some things omitted by accident.
Ciao Andy,
when I think about your blog I do think about it as a diary! Perhaps I’m wrong but it doesn’t seem “random” at all.
As for the girl, I would never ask “how it is to be gay”. It’s a very “stupid” question. It’s like asking how it is to be straight!! I mean, how is it? Difficult to explain because one shouldn’t have to explain sexual preferences.
Ciao Lola,
Certainly, in a way, it is a diary but it also feels kinda random – like there’s no real theme.
She didn’t actually ask it like that, I did it just to shorten it all because, even if her questions weren’t so stupid, that was the real meaning behind them. There was a distinct lack of understand.
But that is like A, my friend. He says that I was the first gay person he ever knews. Of course, that is very, very unlikely. I am, however, the first gay man that he knew was gay! A totally different thing. But, again, he just doesn’t get it and I don’t want to get into any argument with him over this, so I just let him say it.