I (well, I think, in the main, “we”) are quite crazy about certain things.
Here, we have the Superenalotto – like the National Lottery in the UK. The payout, for tomorrow night, if someone wins the jackpot will be in the region of 135 million Euro!. This is an extraordinary sum of money, I think you will agree. If 1 person were to win it, it would change their life, for sure.
You select 6 numbers (from 1 to 90, I think). Now, here’s the thing.
I should go and get a ticket. I should choose, for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6. Why not? After all, it has the same probability as, for example, 8, 25, 48, 49, 72, 85. They are random numbers and as just as random as the first choice.
And, yet, I won’t. I won’t because, however much I KNOW that there is the same chance of the two sets of numbers coming up, my head tells me that the first set is ‘less likely’. It has no rhyme nor reason since the logic side of me knows that there is equal chance.
You see? I (we) am crazy!
I’m going to get a ticket tomorrow.

Me too!
Lotto fever!! both of you.
Love ya’s
You have to do those random numbers you put down! That or get in touch with Derren Brown! If you don’t know who I mean, google Derren Brown National Lottery :p
@Gail – I know. But you never know – even if the chances are slim
@SS – yes, that’s what I thought, actually. The first set are difficult tho, as I explained