I must apologise for my lack of posts this month. There have been many times that I’ve started to write something, been distracted or ran out of gas halfway through and they just never get finished.
I have wanted to say things about the events in Tibet; gay people; drink/driving; immigrants; and many other things but they just haven’t made it to the blog.
However, as a quick post there are a few things that I will mention here.
Taxis: So my Italian friend tells me, Italians think we are crazy to take taxis in Milan. To do that you must be rich! Whereas they are quite happy to get in a car, drive over Milan, through the traffic, get to where they are going and spend the €10 they would have spent on a taxi, trying to find somewhere to park. Hmm.
Nails: The other night, whilst dining with friends at a Mexican restaurant, I had had it confirmed, by a Texan, that I was right. Finger nails grow faster here. It can’t be the pollution (I hope), so what can it be?
Tibet: Please will someone point out the difference between Northern Ireland; Afghanistan; Iraq; Iran and Tibet (and, for that matter, almost any troubled spot in the last, say, 30 years).
Gay people: Why do they think I would like to know who they have slept with and how often?
Drink/Driving: Surely it cannot be just the Albanians that live here that drink and drive? (Told to me in all seriousness by someone at another dinner).
Immigrants: Do Italians honestly believe that, because they haven’t had immigration until recently, they will not have the problems that all other countries have had (the Paris riots being that latest)?
Anyway, better a short post than none at all, eh?
I know precisely what you mean with the blogging. I frequently get distracted by either stuff happening outside the window, or stuff online (I am going to take to blogging offline and transfering the posts across!) I also know what you mean about the taxis. A friend of mine in Gran Canaria thinks I’m mad for not hiring a car out there. I did explain to him that petrol stations are few and far between out there, and sharing a taxi makes it pretty cheap.
I only ever write the posts offline (except in unusual circumstances). If I had to write them online I wouldn’t post any! As it is, the post gets started and then, when I return to it later, it seems to have lost it’s meaning or flow and I scrap it. Sometimes, what seems pertinent at the start seems drivvle later (maybe they are all like that
Done that too, I write posts that seem incredibly important, save it, then go back to it later and think “What on earth was I thinking?” and delete it.
I tend not to delete them. So I end up with a load of saved stuff that’s very, very scrappy and, I expect, completely useless and will never be used. Ho hum.