Christmas Lunch

I don’t know whether I’ve mentioned it before but our canteen at work is pretty good. And it only costs me 7 cents for a starter and main course. And we get freshly-made pizzas on Friday as long as you order them on Thursday.

Anyway, today was our Christmas lunch. And it is somewhat different from what you might get in the UK. Of course, being as it’s Christmas and all, we get a chance to taste everything.

So, I had a bit of everything. First there was truffo (pasta) with courgettes and prawns. Also first there was Lasagne (probably the best dish of the day for me). Second there was a kind of fish kebab – salmon, prawns, other white fish all with boiled potatoes and coleslaw. Also second there was the pig thing – correctly called Zampone, as Bianca kindly pointed out – with lentils. I understand this is normally served at New Year’s Eve.

Finally (although mine is still sitting on my desk) there is an individual panettone (the Italian Christmas cake – not at all like ours – very light sponge with currants and candied peel).

Not a slice of roast turkey or chicken in sight. Unfortunately, nor was there any brandy sauce nor mince pies. However, you can’t have everything and it was all very tasty.

5 thoughts on “Christmas Lunch

  1. Hi Andy-

    Yummy…… mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Your descriptions of the foods were amazing. I could taste it!

    I loved everything but the ‘pig thing and lentils’ eeeewwwww



  2. Bianca, thank you. when I was writing it I just could not remember the word. Zampone it is and I am going to edit the post and put it right. Pandoro is great too!

    Gail, trust me, the ‘pig thing’ which Bianca correctly identified as zampone is really nice. I’m not a huge fan of lentils but, still, it was OK. Glad you liked the descriptions although I’m sure I could have done better :-)

  3. Eh, the Christmas Lunch…here we have had a bunch of bread, meat with a baked potato and a strange sauce! fortunately, in the evening we found a good steak house!

  4. OK. I NEED to know what the strange sauce was like. Was it hot or spicy or what? And the colour?

    Glad you found a good steakhouse though. I read about how much food there was!!!!

    When do you start back?

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