The perfect flat or the perfect street?

There is a street, near where we live now, that I have always thought is the nicest street in Milan (apart from the obvious Via della Spiga, etc.).

The street is fairly quiet, not a main thoroughfare; it has some beautiful apartment buildings; it’s close to all the things I like (Sento – the Japanese restaurant; the Imperiale – the Chinese restaurant; K2 – the Tuscan restaurant – oh, they all seem to be restaurants!); it’s very walkable from the city centre; it’s close to the dog walks and the park.

It’s also very expensive. However, I found a flat there that would seem to be big enough (I would make it very cosy), it’s virtually empty (apart from the kitchen) and, having just gone to see it, it would seem perfect.

It would also seem OK for the dogs. It’s on the third floor (same as we are now) and has a lift, which is good, especially as Rufus will struggle with stairs shortly, I think.

It’s old – sort of 30s style and the rooms are big. I love it.

The only question I have is: is it the street (which I have always said I wanted to live on above all others) the thing that makes me like it so much or is it truly the perfect flat for me?

I will take FfI round to view it and maybe I’ll be swayed from it.

9 thoughts on “The perfect flat or the perfect street?

  1. Hi Andy-

    it all sounds quite lovely and perfect, especially because of all the food places near by –
    also, securing a new place to live defines change – reality becomes more real – that can’t be easy. I feel excited and sad all at once.

    Love Gail

  2. Cosy? I cannot translate slang!!! Well, moving to a new flat would definetely (are you sure?) mean THE change. Maybe. Perhaps. Boh! But, if you really have to move, it’s better to go in a place you like. It will make it less hard.

  3. Sorry, for me it’s not slang. Google translator say it’s accogliente, another dictionary says it can also be raccolto or intimo. Intimo I know and, certainly, it can mean small and kind of personal.

    In general it can mean something that feels warm and comfortable – albeit small.
    Yes, it does mean THE change. Unfortunately there is no option in moving. The only question is – on my own or not. At the moment (and if I can stay strong – because it’s necessary) it will be on my own. If I don’t then the problem will never be resolved. To be honest, now that I look back, the problem has always been and, as you cannot change someone else, will always be. For me, it’s too fundamental and cannot be ‘resolved’. The real question is – do I like the one flat only because it’s on the street that I really like? And the answer is that I don’t know. I need someone else to come and be critical, which I hope will happen in the next few days.

  4. p.s. how’s the course going? Why has Alberto moved out of your office and into his own office? You missed a classic today – our Health and Safety Manager going round getting everyone to sign a piece of paper to say that they would dress smartly tomorrow as the guys from the North would be visiting our place! Stunningly unbelievable! As I pointed out – Why am I signing this – I was the person that made the arrangements?????

  5. Unbelievable. Now there is a “dress code”???? What’s next? Haircut every month? Shave all days? And what’s is the story about Alberto? Do you mean the one next to my desk? He has a personal one? Please, explain!!!
    The course was really good and interesting. But I came home late and no time for the PC…

  6. Yes. The dress code – only because of my visitors (you remember who they were going to be?). It did include shaving. But it was only for Thursday.

    Yes, Alberto that was next to you. He has now moved into the empty office next to the H&S Manager – you know, the one that Luca shared with Francesco. I asked Alessandro about this and he said it was a) because he was making too much noise and b) because he felt he wasn’t being supported well! No doubt Ali will fill you in on Monday. It will probably feel like you have been away for weeks and not 4 days!!

  7. Yes, it’s unbelievable. The driver jumped off the train, after the destroy of the brakes and with the full throttle selected!
    Maybe it’s time to start to be worried for the future…But we’re lucky: the economy is really good in the world now. Or not?

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