Something more special

I suppose I should be thinking about it now. Or even trying to write something. You know? Something more profound than the usual drivel.

Some bloke has just written a post celebrating his 100th post. So, I guess for your 1000th you should do something, shouldn’t you? That’s in 42 posts. Well, 41 after this has been posted.

I was going to keep it a secret. At least, keep it a secret until it actually happened. But the celebration of the 100th posts has got me a bit worried. For post 1000 it should be more special. Maybe. Perhaps.

It could, perhaps, also coincide with the 6th anniversary of time that I moved here? Or, if I don’t write enough posts in time, then, perhaps with the 6th anniversary of the start of the blog? The reality is that it will, probably, fall somewhere in between these two dates. A sort of no-man’s-land of a date.

Of course, I could ask you to give me a subject? I’ve never done that before. It could be a useful experiment, if not a daunting one. After all, I’m not really a ‘writer’. Just someone who writes a blog.

Anyway, I’ll give it some thought. Perhaps you could too?

2 thoughts on “Something more special

  1. Hi Andy – 100th post!! Seems like way more, huh. And a subject for you to writer about? I would appreciate reading about your ‘faith’, or God, or what it is you hold to, turn to, believe in.
    Have a great weekend
    Love Gail

    • No, Gail. It was some other blog’s 100th post! I’m on 950+.

      OK, well, it’s an idea – but I’m not entirely sure what I believe in, to be honest. Still, I’ll have a think about that one. Thanks.
      And I did have a good weekend, even if F wasn’t with me.

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