Just say ‘NO’!

toothpaste for dinner
via toothpastefordinner.com

Of course, I should say ‘no’. If anyone was asked, they would tell me, as a piece of serious advice – ‘say ‘no”.

Remember the series of adverts and advice they gave in the UK, a few years ago, to kids regarding drugs being offered by their friends? It’s the same thing. At the time, I thought, this is madness. When it actually comes down to it, it is extremely difficult to say no when someone asks you.

In this case it is almost impossible. The comment was made ‘I would never do anything to cause a problem for you’. But the reality is that, this has already been done, the problems are here for exactly the same reasons. And a year from now?

My stomach churns, twists and tightens. How can I say ‘no’? I have often been in this situation and, for this person, I can rarely say ‘no’. I have always wanted for this person to have everything. Even now, at this point, I find it impossible.

I would ask for advice – but I know the advice and I know it would make no difference. I know the advice I would give someone else – and, probably, have already given someone else at some time in the past. So the answer is ‘yes’ and I shall continue to suffer for it for however many years it takes.

This must be how parents feel about the child that is always asking for support, years after they should be making their own way without help. Thank God I never had children!

6 thoughts on “Just say ‘NO’!

  1. HI Andy-

    Huh? Okay – who asked you to do what that you couldn’t say no to and said yes? Did I miss something?

    Scratching my head……

    Love Gail
    confused across the pond :-)

  2. I just can’t say as I am ashamed to say I said ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’. don’t worry, it’s not illegal or anything like that. It’s just a stupid thing to agree to, knowing the history. And, at some time, it will probably come and bite me on the ass!

  3. Well, okay, yup – although I am SO curious about what you said yes to- here are some of my guesses – :-)

    oral sex
    posing nude
    to be ‘V’s date for an event
    to “see” each other regurlarly – ‘friends with benefits
    to vacation together

    on my mind is having a good time!! :-)

    Love Gail
    peace ad wonder

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