Breaking news: Christians kill a Christain! Muslims kill a Muslim! Jews kill a Jew!

In fact, people kill people. Sometimes it is racially motivated, sometimes because of an argument and sometimes by accident. Even, sometimes, it is because the murderer objects to what the other person is saying/doing. Like Road Rage!

So, it beggars belief when I read this story.

Unfortunately, I am unable to check out what he actually says at because I can only read it if I am invited and, quite obviously, I wouldn’t ever get the invitation ;-)

However, given that the Guardian might be telling the truth, he has, basically, said that there was this Jew who was killed by Jews about 2000 years ago.

Of course, Christians would like to think that Jesus was a Christian. Unfortunately, he wasn’t. He was born and he died a Jew. However, he did have a different view of God and how we should practice our faith in God which did, somewhat, slightly upset the leaders of the Jewish faith at the time (so it is said/written).

But, because we think that Jesus was a Christian, when someone says that the Jews killed Jesus, the Jews get a bit upset since some Christians undoubtedly think that it makes the Jews terrible people.

Which it certainly does not.

After all, if Jesus hadn’t died, would the Christian faith exist at all? I mean, his death and the supposed events afterwards (like rising and going to heaven) are pretty central to the Christian faith, aren’t they? And if he had died of some disease or old age at, say 68, I doubt it would have started the worldwide craze known now as Christianity.

So, rather than Christians being all aggrieved about some Jews from 2000 years ago who killed (or forced the Romans to kill) one of their own for having some different thoughts, they should be very happy and be thanking the Jews for making it all happen!

Well, that’s my thoughts on it. Not that it will make any difference.

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