“What do you think about having a tree this year?”, I asked.
“Yes, why not”
“Good because I bought one today”
“Is it real?”
“Yes, of course”
“I have balls – red ones, to put on”. He means baubles, of course.
When we got home, I showed him the tree and we discussed where to put it. It was the right decision after all. I suggested we decorate it during the long weekend. He agreed. More importantly, he is already thinking of how it should be decorated. I am very happy about that.
This morning, he took Rufus to the vets. He is having the big lump removed from his back. To be honest, I wouldn’t do it but for the fact that a) it is very, very big and b) it never stops bleeding. The one on his neck seems to be fixed by using the new cream, so that’s good.
I pick Rufus up tonight. After I have (with any luck) got the revisione done. I’m certain, of course, that it won’t be straightforward at all but one has to hope. It will be the second visit to the revisione centre so one can only hope that my ‘minimum of two visits to do anything here’ will replace ‘minimum’ with ‘only’.
Wish me luck. And Rufus, of course.
Hi Andy – wishing you luck and big hugs and prayers for Rufus. Gracie-Blue sends wags and smooches too.
Love Gail
He’s soldiering on but thanks Gail. And thanks to Gracie-Blue