It looks like snow. It covers the ground and the trees and, sometimes, floats in the air – almost like snow but smaller and finer and not, actually, snow.
It has a special name here – galaverna – verna being the word for winter and gala (apparently) being not a word for a festival but, rather, a word meaning milk or milky. So I’m told.
Anyway, it looks beautiful but it is bloody cold. As you may know, this is not my favourite time of year, especially as the offices are kept artificially cold.
Beautiful but brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Oh, by the way, I looked up the word galaverna. It means hoarfrost. I have heard the word hoarfrost but never actually knew what it meant. I thought it meant very hard frost or something. But, these days, of course, I look words up. It actually means the small ice crystals that cover everything when it’s very cold.
i’ve never heard the word galaverna!
It’s f*** cold.
I hate it!! It’s a bit depressing, isn’t it?
Hi Lola. Well, he knows lots about the countryside and stuff. People here ask him if they don’t know something. I like the word though. But it is similar to hoarfrost. Most English people won’t have heard of it.
Yes, it’s cold. Yes, it’s depressing. Here I am, in the afternoon, in the office, with my coat on.
But, then, you know my feelings about being cold
p.s. when are you coming back?
(still working on it though)
OK, well, it’s a start.
Although it doesn’t actually load anything!
sorry, I meant blogspot
Ah! OK then. I’ll try again.
Great. I love that the first post is full of qualifiers and starts by saying the blog may not last long
thank you for your patience, Andy.
Well, it is so nice to have you back. I was hoping to be the first to comment but it doesn’t allow name/URL comments ………… yet (he says, hopefully)!
should be ok now!
Yes!. It’s working perfectly now. Thank you.