I feel so guilty for not giving you many posts recently.
So, here is one.
It’s nearly time. The question was – ‘where to put the newspaper?’.
It can’t be in the hallway as I won’t be able to get in when I open the front door (the hallway being not so wide as the last place).
It can’t be in the kitchen as a) the kitchen isn’t that big and b) where to put it would be a problem too – I mean there’s nowhere big enough without furniture – unless I take out the dog’s bed, which I don’t really want to.
The bedroom is definitely out.
So that leaves the lounge. I had intended to leave the rug down (which is very large and in the centre) and fence off the lounge like I had done when Rufus got old. But, the most obvious place for the newspaper is near the French doors – which means crossing the rug – which means it has to be taken up.
Or I move the dog bed.
Ah well, it’s probably the best thing to do.
Of course, there will be other things to do. Like making sure that all things that can be chewed are not in reach. Some things might be more difficult than others.
Still, with F having a bad back, it is likely that we won’t go to Carrara this weekend and so, maybe, I can try and sort it out tomorrow and/or Sunday?
And it is likely to rain on Saturday so that may be a good day to do it!