The Culture of Blame

It is the ‘thing to do’ these days. To blame someone (anyone) for something that has happened that is bad or, at least, not good.

Our place (of work) is full of it. It annoys the hell out of me.

But it’s a problem also, apparently, in the UK where those people claiming benefit blame others for their ‘bad luck’. Of course, the government wants to stamp out this ‘blame culture’ asap.

Well, nearly. Not completely. Otherwise, the Chancellor of the Exchequer would be unable to blame Europe for the fact that the UK is in another recession. And, if he couldn’t blame Europe then who could he blame? Well, not the last government – not now they’ve had chance to fix everything. And, anyway, that would still require blaming someone else.

So, then he would have to take responsibility for the recession.

Now that would be a bugger, wouldn’t it?

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