Imagine, if you will, that I am walking along the road when a child throws a very large firework at me.
It misses but explodes nearby.
Would it be right to go over to that child and punch him so hard that he falls to the road, banging his head and dying as a result?
If you would answer ‘yes’, then read no further.
So, imagine this, then.
A man, pushing his child in a pushchair, throws a rock in the air. It comes crashing onto the windscreen of my car as I’m driving, narrowly missing me but making me swerve and smash the car into a wall. The car is a write-off but, apart from some bruises, I am OK.
I get out of the car.
Should I, at this point, take out the iron bar from my car and walk over to the man and hit him on the head several times until he is dead?
As a consequence of this, by the way, the bar accidently falls on the child in the pushchair, caving in his/her head and killing him/her instantly.
Am I right to do this? Again, if you answered “yes”, please don’t bother to read any further.
If, however, you answered “no”, then you may understand my feeling when an Israeli man, who has proven to be an arrogant misogynist, sent an email to a female I know, saying that they should think themselves lucky because “on the bright side – no one is firing rockets on you – now you see how life are pretty good”.
I so wanted to be able to reply that, unfortunately, there were children in Gaza where the rockets were killing them. I wanted to say that, as far as I am aware, no one has died in Israel in the last few days – but a number of children have been killed in Gaza.
It makes my blood boil.
I’m sorry but I don’t believe you can EVER justify any act where a child is killed – especially when the act that killed them was, in any way, an act of revenge.
I totally agree, Andy.
Thanks, Lola.
BTW, this is not just directed at Israel but to any country/organisation/person that thinks the killing of a child is, in any way, justified.
These terrible things make my blood boil too.