Well, it was supposed to look something like this:
It didn’t look so bad after he’d done it but the next day it really didn’t come right.
Nor yesterday.
Today seems a bit better. I’ll see how it goes over the next week.
But, it might be the closest I can get, I suppose.
I’ve always found it quite traumatising, having my hair cut. I really don’t know why but I’ve been like this since my early 20s. I know it may sound stupid but I feel it’s somehow invasive. Invasive of my privacy and, in an even weirder way, a little like sex. But without the thrill of having sex. Probably more like starring in a porn movie – or, at least, as if I was starring in a porn movie.
I wonder if anyone else has this problem?
Probably not. In fact, surely not.
So it’s just me then
HI ANDY – I would rather see what YOU look like –
And I find getting my hair cut, washed,styled – whatever, to be very sensual. I never attached it to porn but I could be easily persuaded!
Love to you
LOL Gail.
I’ll see what I can about a pic.
I meant, of course, being in a porn movie as in being very exposed. Well, that’s how it feels to me (not that I’ve ever been in a porn movie, you understand

Looking forward to see you next week
LOL. Maybe you won’t recognise me
Now I see where I have already seen you! Shall I call you, since now, “Duke”?
You see? Your mistake there was to say that you have a collection and you’re going to look through them

If you want, you can call me Duke. Duke is a lot better than other names you might choose LOL