There used to be this thing.
I went out and got very, very drunk.
The next day, I was would worry about what I had said or done whilst I was drunk.
Maybe it’s happened to you too? (No, not you, Lola as I don’t think you’ve ever been THAT drunk.)
Anyway, I think (hope) it was a kind of “normal” thing.
But that’s stopped now. Well, for one thing, I don’t really do “let’s get plastered” any more.
However, now this thing happens more often – even when I haven’t been drunk and can remember (I think) more or less everything.
Like today.
It’s just bloody stupid and I realise it’s my mind playing tricks on me.
Or that I’m going mad.
Or that I really have said/done something but I have forgotten and all that remains is this nagging doubt that I HAVE said/done something bad. Well, not necessarily “bad” but certainly not “good”.
As long as it’s not the last thing, then it’s OK, I guess
nooooo, not to me.

but maybe next Monday?
LOL – but I doubt it!
Anyway, you’re not going mad. These things happen sometimes.
Erm, but not to you …….