I have Karl. In my dreams he is the perfect man – funny, witty, beautiful, clever, etc……
If we were together the world would be perfect. I wait for him to call me; to be the knight in shining armour, on the white horse, taking me away from all this – to a better life, a perfect life.
It will not happen. And, even if he was the knight and took me away, it would not be the perfect life and nor, necessarily better.
And he is not the perfect man (he is Italian, after all and, worse, he has more hang-ups than a lot of the others, it seems).
He won’t call and, in a way, it is better like this. The dream of him being the perfect man can remain forever. Anyway, I am Top Only, which I will explain later.
And so, the friend I thought had a problem with the sweet guy (who is currently blowing me off, so it’s time for me to move on) did not. Instead her dream was crashing with the dream being a million times better than the reality. As I said, if he said ‘I love you’ and you didn’t feel that love that he didn’t mean it and it wasn’t true. And it wasn’t true. He said that he loved missing her. And so, for him too, the dream was what he wanted – the reality being that he no longer had to miss her.
As I’m getting to start the meeting of people, I’m finding them all mouth and no substance (or, all mouth and no trousers as the English expression is). Well, that’s not entirely true, of course, but a lot of them are like that.
The date for tonight (with Gordon) will, almost inevitably, be cancelled. I can see it coming like the light of a train coming towards me through the darkest tunnel. It is coming and unstoppable – or maybe I’m just too cynical. Yesterday and last night we chatted through the site. I even said ‘no’ to my piano player from Pavia for tonight on the basis that we would be going out! Last night everything was fine. This morning he is not well. He has a headache!
I know, it may not seem much but now he has gone to work. Later, sometime this afternoon, the chat will go something like this:-
Him: My headache is even worse.
Me: I’m really sorry to hear that.
Him: Yes, I have to go to work too but I will have to go home straight after work so cannot meet you tonight. I’m sorry.
Me: You’re full of shit, you know that?
Obviously, that last line won’t happen. Instead I will say something like, no problem, maybe next Wednesday…..
Of course, Friday night will happen. I know that. The guy phones me almost every day. Tomorrow night, with V, will also happen – but, then, he’s not Italian. If I wanted, the lawyer from Pavia would keep his word. The tall, dark and handsome guy would keep his word. Unfortunately, they can only be friends as there is no Karl Spark with them.
Last night, whilst talking to my friend with the shattered dream, I was explaining Top and Bottom. She didn’t realise what this all meant and I was trying to explain that it wasn’t all about the sexual side but also about character and life choice, etc.
So, if you are interested, I will explain it here. If you’re not interested, the post has finished.
As with most things in life, there are the extremes and then the shades in between. In any couple there will be one who is more dominant than the other, the difference between the two being greater or lesser, depending upon the character of the people involved. This is also true of the gay world too. And so, not only in a sexual sense, a method has evolved to determine, easily, what role you wish to be.
So we have Top and Bottom. Top Only, as I am, tends to be someone who wants to make all the decisions and is quite strong and dominant in the relationship. Bottom Only is someone who doesn’t want to take any decisions and wants to be led through the relationship. The shades are More Top, Versatile, More Bottom.
Being a Top Only means that, actually, the dream of having my knight in shining armour whisking me away is just that, a dream. It can never be fulfilled because it is I, in fact, that will play the role of the knight……..which I do when the circumstances are just right……like with sweet guy, who I just want to take in my arms and fight off all the evil people who would harm him. It is what he would want too (but, I guess, in spite of what he has said, he just doesn’t fancy me enough – ah well).
Of course, the friend wanted to put it into the man/woman role and I permitted her to do that, but it’s not really that easy to do. We don’t do the man/woman role at all. We have no rules like that. It makes a gay man no less a man just because he is More Bottom or Bottom Only and doesn’t mean that he actually takes on a role that you could consider that of a woman – but, if it makes it easier for you to understand it, then so be it.
And so, being a Top Only, I am looking for Bottom Only or More Bottom. At a push, I will look at Versatile – but the problem there is that we would probably clash too often and I wouldn’t be prepared to allow him to be Top from time to time.
OK, so that’s cleared that up. Feel free to ask any questions you like. I will try to answer them.
Hi ANdy-
it all seems a bit complicated – or, “too many men-not enough time” – (I say with humor)
Now, this Top-Bottom concept. Well, let’s see – I/we are both at different times. I like being ‘Bottom’ – because I love to surrender especially when I feel safe – actually the art or act of surrendering is very “Top” so to speak. We never have put a language to it such s this and yet it is part of who we are. Perhaps, since you are exploring other arenas you might try leaning more towards ‘Bottom” so long as there is trust and also remember, that ‘Bottom’ is very ‘Top’ so it is a win-win!
Love you
Yes, certainly, too many men and not enough time……with or without humour
Yes, but, and I put this delicately, it is almost expected that the man is top and the woman bottom (I know there are exceptions). Unfortunately, when it is two men….then how do you tell? (and certainly not by looking at them – some of the biggest muscled, hairiest guys like to be Bottom; nor by the type of job they do – some guys in powerful and demanding positions also like to be Bottom)
Oh I don’t know about that….(going Bottom)…but I have been thinking about going ‘More Top’ just to see what difference it makes!
Hi Andy-
Yes, I so understand about the distinction between men and women (with some exceptions), and that with two men it is harder to discern. I think though, that ‘top/bottom’ is also a lot about the mind and spirit and that there is a natural, and I say this delicately, feminine and masculine in all of us regardless of sexual preferences. SO it is more in that idea that I am referring to you being more ‘bottom’ which means giving up more control – the key is to do this with someone you really, really trust, otherwise , well, you can imagine. This would be a far better discussion if we were sitting across from one another, sharing a good bottle of wine – so much is lost in ‘comments’. eesh.
Love to you
Hi Gail,
Yes, I do understand. It’s the trusting part. That was the thing that finally finished V & I so I’m not sure I’m quite ready for that just yet….
You’re right – a good bottle of wine shared with you would be a nice thing, good conversation, etc.