I have no words.

It’s the way of things.

You miss, most, those things when they are irretrievable; when they are lost forever.

I say ‘those things’ but I also mean ‘those people’.

Worse, still, is when those people disappear from our lives unexpectedly, without warning, without the chance to say goodbye.  And, yet worse, is when those people take their own lives.

I don’t know about you but haven’t we all had moments in our lives when, for a brief few minutes or hours or days, it seemed that the solution to it all, all the problems and the hurt and the terribleness of life, the solution seemed to be to end this life; to not be?

The first funeral I remember attending was for St.  St was 21 or so and had been with D for a couple of years and we (M & I) were close friends with them.  We didn’t understand why.  Well, I say that.  In fact, unknown to me at the time, M had spoken to him that very day but I only found out about that later.

St got in the car with their dog in the garage and used a hose from the exhaust.

Later (but much later) D explained that the worst time was, actually, some time after the funeral when people stopped calling, stopped coming, stopped including him.

But still, I couldn’t quite grasp why St had done this.  I think M had a better idea but if he did, I don’t believe he ever told me.  I don’t know that D ever really knew or understood.

I wonder still, having never quite been there, how everything can look so bad that ending it all seems the only way out?  I see, this morning, the lady tramp, who sleeps on the benches where I take the dogs.  She, if anyone can, has reason to think that life is not really worth living.  And yet she is still there.  So why doesn’t she think that life is over and yet St felt that he couldn’t go on?

But we can never see inside someone else’s head, can we?  And we can never be that person or, even, put ourselves in their shoes.  Not really.

And you may wonder why I write this post.  Not enough that a very dear friend from the past did this nor that a very dear friend from the present attempted this but, last night, a dear friend of F succeeded in ending his life.

I had no words.  I didn’t know the guy but F had spoken of him a few times and he was a close friend.  He had texted him that very morning.  They called each other ‘sister’ and that was the word that he texted.  I couldn’t really give F the comfort he wanted or needed, not least because his shoulder was so bad I couldn’t hug him and hold him close.  He stayed awake all night.  I’m not sure that was all about the shoulder.

And it led me to thinking about a dear friend who may not have been here now – but is and for that I am grateful.

Someone said to F that G (the guy that committed suicide yesterday) was courageous (he jumped out of a 6th floor window).  And I see her point although there is also a selfishness about committing suicide and, unfortunately, a cowardice about it too.  Of course, the selfishness and cowardice are for the living to bear and not the dead.

But bear it we must.  And there was a song that some of you may remember.  But the title is not true, at least not for those left behind.

But last night made me think of St, all that time ago and the other dear, dear friend who is still with us and how things might be different (in both cases). And I want to scream at them that suicide is not painless. Not for those left behind and there is always someone left behind.

And, through all the thoughts my stomach churns for it makes me scared.  Of what, I am not sure.  Perhaps the recent incident with my dear, dear friend makes me realise how close it was and how it could have been and I wonder how I would be about it.  And it brings me close to tears.  Tears for St, tears for G (even if I didn’t know him), tears for D, tears for F (who has the last text) and tears for my dear, dear friend.

Tears because it is so hard to understand how anything could possibly be so bad that ending your life seems the solution and more for the people left behind, who will never quite comprehend what has been done.

And so I text my dear, dear friend as I don’t want the last text to be a single word.

I will stop this post now.  As I said to F, last night, I have no words………..

6 thoughts on “I have no words.

  1. Death is never easy to deal with. Least of all when it’s unexpected like a suicide. But I do have an unfortunate glimpse into that world. Several years ago I was severely depressed, I had no job, I had no significant other, and everywhere I turned there seemed to be aggression directed at me. So I stopped caring and started taking insane risks. Like simply walking across roads, not really caring whether or not a car hit me. And taking a handful of sleeping tablets with the express aim of ending it all. Fortunately the tablets weren’t strong and just gave me stomach ache, and woke me up that what I was doing was insane.

  2. I understand very well how you feel. A friend of mine attempted suicide and was able to end her life, some years ago. She already tried some years before, but none of us, at that time, was able to help her. I remember that when we met, she was the ghost of the girl we knew at high school. When I was told that she ended up her life, it was terrible.
    As it is when someone really important says “I cannot and do not want to continue this life”. I know that if one wants to be successfull, there is almost nothing I can do, however I try to help. Also for me, to avoid the moment in which someone tell me the news I do not want to receive.
    You are right, no words. Only a big hug, in silence.

  3. It’s true that if the person really wants to be successful, there is really nothing that can be done.

    Of course, many people don’t really want to be successful. For many it is just a ‘cry for help’. They want someone else to help them overcome the problems – to be their ‘shining knight in armour on a white horse’. Which is true also of my very, very dear friend, recently.

    But as this day wears on, I just can’t stop thinking about it all and that is not good. I need to snap out of this mood, for sure.

  4. Hi Andy-

    oh my, this is so tragic. I am SO sorry that F lost a dear friend and that you, feeling this tragedy are swirling with your own emotional thoughts. Suicide is a delicate subject at best, taboo at worst. I feel so very sad within your words – :-)

    Love to you

  5. Yes indeed it is tragic. Thank you for your thoughts. And yes, it brings back things to me that I hadn’t forgotten but weren’t near the surface.

    Thanks Gail.

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