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This post is putting some of the pictures I had promised and one from today.
So, first, as promised. Three pictures from a Far Off Country. The first two show the view of the beach from my hotel room balcony. The first was taken the day I got there. Quite warm and pleasant. The second is the same view two days later. The sky is, apparently, full of sand due to approaching rain, having picked up the sand from the desert. Actually, in spite of the prediction we only had a little rain as we were in the taxi, on the way to the airport, to leave the Far Off Country. The third is the city from the same balcony, just turning myself about 90 degrees to the right.
The photo below was taken as I was walking Rufus in the park this morning. At first, when I saw the group, I thought they were round the big tree, in a large circle, almost like they were praising the tree. Every few moments they would raise their arms and then bring them slowly down to their sides. I have no idea what they were doing. As I got closer I could see that they had formed the large circle under the shade of the tree rather than round it. Ah well, siamo in Italia!