Well, on the plus side, at least I think I know what it is.

I think I know what it is now.

I’ve been having this sick feeling in my stomach. There are too many things going on and too many decisions to make and I don’t like it. This feeling, I haven’t had much since V & I split in November, 2009. I thought it was all about the (mostly) small things that were nothing but annoying in my personal life.

I always felt much better when I got home and, in particular, when F was around – even if we were in our separate places, communicating through Facebook or something – or, not even communicating but him just being five minutes away.

And, then, it hit me as to why I feel this way. Yes, there are all those other annoying/frustrating things and, yes, when I get home and shut the door on the rest of the world, it’s better and everything seems to slide away. But the problem is actually work. Not the other work but the main work.

There’s a problem with a customer. I can’t solve it. I don’t know how. I mean, I know of one way, for certain. But I can’t do that. It’s not my decision to make. But they are upsetting everyone by their unreasonableness and their stupidity and that makes it very difficult to manage them as well as the people at work.

And, every time I look at my inbox, there’s always something. Some other request or unreasonable demand. And I really want to tell them to go and f*** themselves because they really deserve it – but it’s not my job to do that. I try to be strong and hard with them but, at the end of it all, as I said, it’s not my company and, so, not my decision.

And, even as I write this I feel that gnawing in my stomach, so I’m almost certain it is this that is the problem. And I really hate that it’s a work thing. I haven’t had this since England really (last November was for different reasons) and I thought that, working for someone else, I would not have this – so it’s doubly annoying.

And I can’t see the situation changing much before the end of July, at least. Damn them!

9 thoughts on “Well, on the plus side, at least I think I know what it is.

  1. I’m sorry to hear you have problems with a customer.
    I’ve been there and yes, it’s annoying. What I’ve learned -though- is that some people simply don’t deserve all my energies and my attention. Since I’ve made this rational decision I do feel much better.

    e.g. I got an email on Friday (6:30 p.m!) from a colleague. This persons wanted me to do some work over the weekend because she is going away on Monday. Well… I haven’t replied. End of the story. Say two or three years ago I would have spent 48h working as much as I could.

    Your situation is different but still… don’t let work ruin your life!

  2. You guys are quick!

    I try not let work ruin my life (or, even, get in the way) but it’s difficult as that’s the kind of person I am. And, that’s why I am good at what I do.

    I’m sure it will all work out OK but I must try to stop allowing it to affect me this way.

    Yes, I do that too, Lola :-D. Sometimes it’s better to have time to think about an email anyway. In your case, it’s different but I don’t blame you for ignoring it. Anyway, you HAVE been working :-D

  3. Hi Andy

    oh ya, work stuff can be so draining and so frustrating because it is almost impossible to avoid. we are stuck with the people we work with AND the population we serve. Remember though, in the whole scheme of things these people don’t really matter – only as much as we let them.

    Love you
    peace and hope…..

  4. Hi Gail. So nice to see you here. You are right, of course. It’s just that sometimes it does get to me – even if I know it shouldn’t.

  5. I had this problem about 10 years ago when I was a web designer. I took on a client as a favour for an agency because they promised to put more work my way if I took on his job. Well, they didn’t and he was a pain in the ass! He wanted the latest everything on his site. And I obliged. I spent all my time getting everything looking amazing. And he said it was amazing. And then I got calls every week “Can we change this?” “Can we add that?” “I want the same site on a different domain”. In the end I sent him everything and told him to find another design firm.

  6. And, that, my dear friend is one of the fantastic things about working for yourself! You ARE able to say – there you go, bye! – if you want to.

    Having run a software company for quite a few years prior to leaving it all behind and coming here, I SO understand where you’re coming from! :-D

  7. You ran a software company? Ouch. I worked for a tiny one before quitting after a couple of weeks. The two coders were lovely, but the boss was a real David Brent. But with a bigger ego. I chased them up about a year ago – still in business but the site looked as if it was from the 90s!

    And yes, I am aware that mine is hardly Web 2.0, but they do kinda do that for a living…

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