Autumn in Milan; our stuff is back

Everyone’s back now. The streets are crowded, the cars are louder and everywhere. And it’s the end of the summer.

Even in the UK, I always thought that September was the best month in the year. Here, it’s more true. V has already said that he’s sick of salad, so I guess it’ll be roasted veg and more pasta soon.

Autumn is here. I feel it by the fact that, during the night, I sometimes wake up a little too cold for comfort. Of course, we have put something over the single sheet we have but, then, I become far too hot for most of the night and spend moments, which seem much longer, trying to escape from the overwhelming heat; kicking away the bedclothes that I seem to be trapped in, that have inexplicably become wrapped around my ankles like some sort of manacle.

And then, taking the dog for a walk. The dew on the ground is almost as if it had rained in the night. There’s a chill, which, actually, I quite like; I think September is my favourite month. The breeze, when there is any, does offer relief from the heat of the sunshine instead of it resembling something like standing in front of an open oven at full temperature. It is a welcome relief and would have made July and the early part of August so much more bearable. Not that I am complaining.

But it’s a strange time. Not at all cold enough for coats and, often, not even for more than a light shirt or T-shirt. I’m never quite sure what to wear for an evening out. Will it suddenly get to cold? So I take a jacket and then end up carrying it around all the time.

Work has been more than a little difficult since we came back from Mantova. I’ve promised more on that and will try and dig out my notes over the weekend to put them in some sort of order. Also, on Thursday, we had the rest of our furniture delivered from storage. It’s been four years since it went in and it’s nice to have the stuff back. My grandfather clock worked straight away! I’ve already opened most of the boxes and there’s just the china to go.

Amongst the exciting stuff that we put into storage were: empty boxes that once held glasses; empty coffee jars that we had saved just in case they were useful; carrier bags; some old, broken taps; scraps of old carpet – all packed by the removal men before I could say ‘No, not that’.

In the past (and we have used them several times), I’ve always lauded the removal company we used. Unfortunately, it looks like some things may have been lost or, at least, aren’t here, so, until everything is unpacked and sorted, I’ll keep my opinions off the blog as there’s always time for it to be fixed. The problem will be that, if one thing that I think is lost, is actually lost, it is going to be difficult, if not impossible to replace. We’ll see.

At least they didn’t lose the empty boxes and coffee jars!

By the end of the weekend we’ll have finished, I hope, and the flat will look as it should, more or less.

Update:  I mention them now – GB Liners in Hereford.  No, they didn’t sort it and, actually, fleeced us out of money and we never did get the box back which included certain things of great sentimental value.  Use them only if you’re in the UK and staying in the UK and don’t, under any circumstances, use them for storage.  I, having used them over 30 years on about 7 or 8 occasions, would NEVER use them again.

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