Extra! Extra! Extra! The Sun – absolved of all blame

It’s official!

I’m sure that blaming them for getting Blair into office in the first place was just and right but to blame them for climate change seems pretty stupid. No wonder that they were cleared of this.

On the other hand, one would question why there is a sudden shift in the usage of words. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago that we were all aware of and (well at least the media) talking about global warming. Now it’s changed. Now it’s climate change. S says it so well in the comments on this post at Alex Fear’s site.

But I remember, not that many years ago – oh, alright then – many years ago, there were big discussions on how, at any moment, we could be in a mini ice-age. It was getting colder and colder. Then we were saved because we got global warming and, even though the scientists predicted that we would have huge problems (lack of water, wine growing in the UK, etc.) it also meant warmer summers. This quickly changed to wet and cold summers after the first wet, cold summer in the UK.

The problem seems that people can’t get their head round the idea of global WARMING and wet, COLD summers. So, just change the name. Call it climate change. So, does that mean we won’t be getting fabulous summers like we did about 11 years ago (when, I think, it was first called Global Warming) but, instead, winters like the infamous 63 (which I don’t remember, btw) given this dire warning.

Something to do with some bird called Nina. Who is she anyway?

Perhaps she works for the Sun or the Star?

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