I have been assuming that nothing could be done to get us out of this mess. And then, driving to work, I had one of those important ‘moment of clarity’ times, where, although not as perfect and as I would prefer, I could see how we would get out or, at least, survive.
Of course, I should know better. Whenever these things occur, they are followed, inevitably, by the moment when my heart sinks and the feeling in the pit of my stomach returns with a vengeance and my head spins out of control. I have never been very good at crises although, once I have a plan that is workable and achievable I am fine. It’s just the getting to that stage that I find so difficult.
And so it is. And so it will be. And so, following on from my post below, I see no hope. And yet, certain things will be better; more settled; more predictable; more stable. And there is a hope but a different one than before – different end results but, in some ways, better. And by my fingertips I hold on to that however cold the climate is right now. Well, at least it has stopped raining.
Maybe this comment will be not very good, but I understand that in these days you are not really happy. I want to remind you the words of one song, from Guns ‘n Roses. I do not like them so much, I know only some of their song. But one says “Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain”. I assume you know the song, and all the meanings. Relationships are not easy, everybody knows that everything can change. But this is also the good part: everything can change again…Several times I was sure that the “point of no return” had been reached, and then the point moved forward. Or I suddenly jumped over it. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. And this is relly a luck!
Thanks for the words, Pietro. And you are right, of course. As we say in the UK – this, too, will pass.