
Superstitions are strange things, really, aren’t they?

Take the one of spilled salt. I think (but I’m not really well up on these things), in the UK, if you spill some salt, you’re supposed to pick up some of the spilled salt with your right hand and throw it over your left shoulder. Or the other way round. They have a similar thing here, in Italy.

Then there’s the black cat. In the UK, if a black cat crosses your path, it’s considered lucky. Here, it’s unlucky. Does anyone know why (either is though)?

And then there’s the new car. I’m not sure it’s an Italian thing. It might just be a superstition within my company.

Anyway, to avoid having an accident in your new car, don’t worry about your driving. Instead you should bring in cakes and drink to share with your colleagues. This, apparently, will ensure that you don’t have accidents.

Who knew? I always thought it was careful driving and a bit of luck (that there aren’t any crazy drivers on the road – which is quite difficult to ensure here) that meant you didn’t have an accident. Stupid me.

2 thoughts on “Superstitions

  1. Hi Andy – fun post :-) And I have some supersticions and quirks myself – about the number three! For example, I wont park in spot #3 in a parking are, or when I set the table I wont set my place setting out third, and so forth. Weird, huh?
    And also I am aware of which sock and shoe I put on first. Has to be the left. Oh my….
    Love you

    • Oh Gail, you made me laugh :-D
      I guess everyone has something. I’m not sure what mine is but I must have something ………

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