Is that it?
The first day of September. Not, officially, the first day of autumn – but it might as well be. Thunderstorms and showers – oh, yes, and a bit of sun. It’s still warm though, which is nice. I mean, warm enough to still be wearing sandals and a T-shirt (although, as I write this I am not wearing those things – but I was at 6 a.m. this morning).
And I’m sure that it’s not it, really. I’m sure we shall have some really nice warm days during September and, if we’re lucky, through to October too!
I went out for a drink last night with An, F’s friend. On waking this morning I got the usual after-a-night-drinking-and-having-too-many-and-not-keeping-my-mouth-shut thoughts. I.e. I said too much about F and stuff. I shouldn’t. But it’s ages since I’ve been able to ‘chat’ with someone. Especially a woman and so I kind of ‘let go’. Damn. Oh well, I’ll get over it.
F is away. I join him tonight. Me and the dogs. The weather will be better apart from, maybe, Sunday. But it’s OK anyway.
HI ANDY nice blog design, kinda formal even! sounds like you had a grand time chatting and drinking – good for you. enjoy your reuniting with F. we are just beginning to feel normal again – still quite tired but more normal. phew. it is raining again, and will for three days. it is cool also, only in the 60’s but I like that.
peace and love
Thanks Gail.
See the post above as to why the layout has changed.
Yes, we had a lovely time, thanks.