… and then ….

I suppose I should keep this updated for those of you who read the entry below and the fact that this is the last day of my short-term contract.

Well, partly thanks to various friends (live and web), I decided to go for the following:  flexibility to allow me to do web stuff and consultancy, accept the offer.  Everything was cool and they seemed very happy that I decided to accept.

To be honest, once again, it was the HAVING to make the decision, having to make a commitment, that made it feel like I was being tied down with no room to breathe.  Stupid, really.  I feel much better now that I’ve done something and, overall, yesterday was a much better day at work.

Unfortunately, this new salary does not mean that I am suddenly rich.  It’s still going to be a bit difficult because, I suppose, we have been living much like we used to but without the same income and this doesn’t do it yet – but at least we’re getting there.  I still have V and a dog to support (Rufus being the least expensive ;-)).

So, I’ve applied for some consultancy work and we’ll see how that goes.  N wants some changes to his website – but that depends on him and he’s very busy.  I need to follow through with something else that G and S came up with as well.  And, in the meantime, the days, weeks and months just fly by.

V had the second interview yesterday and, by all accounts, it went very well.  Fingers crossed then.

We had a preview of the Hay Festival brochure yesterday.  Obviously many of the usual suspects, but also some interesting new ones.  It’s their 20th year this year.  I doubt that we shall be able to go, which is such a shame as we would really love to and V is very excited about one, potential, attendee.

Anyway, to find out more, click .  And, if you want the preview of the events, you have to become a Friend of the Festival.

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