
Even if the move together has lost a bit of momentum (given the fact that F will have to make a largish payout for work on the other house soon), it’s still likely to be this year.

And, now, I’m looking at things that happen and trying to determine what that will mean in the future.

Let me be clearer. F is currently (almost) living at my place as a friend of his is currently staying at his. This means that he spends a lot more time at mine – and it’s almost as if we are living together.

This has plus sides, of course. But, there are a couple of things that cause concern.

The first is, obviously, his obsession with cleaning. But, I’ve spoken about that many times so I’ll ignore that for now.

The second is food. When I was with V and we were both working (here), we both got a really good deal for lunch. Up until that point, we ate in the evenings. We would eat next to nothing all day but have a proper meal every evening. When we started work in Italy (full time), we were getting the great lunch deal and then going home and cooking our normal evening meal. Needless to say, we started to put on weight.

Obviously, we had to cut out one of the meals. Since, in my case, I get lunch for about 7 cents per day, it seemed crazy to cut that one and, so, we stopped eating in the evening.

The problem with F is that he doesn’t really eat much at lunch and he has no canteen at work so although he gets a voucher, he doesn’t get lunch for 7 cents!

Plus there’s the fact that he has had a bad back all week, so has been off work and not really eating at lunchtime.

So he’s been cooking. An example would be that he bought some cece (chick peas) the other day and made some sort of thick soup-type thing yesterday.

So, last night, we had this cece soup. I tried to get him to give me just a taste but he can’t seem to cope with this concept, so although the bowl wasn’t overflowing, it was certainly much more than I either needed or wanted. But I can hardly not eat it, can I?

I’m thinking that, amongst the other things about living together will be me putting on weight. Or rather, me putting on MORE weight. Becoming “barrel like”, I think the term is. And this is NOT good.

So, now I have to find a way around this. Of course, I could stop having lunch at work – but here I get meat every day and with F I wouldn’t. So that’s no good. Perhaps, the only real solution is to just have the main course here, at work. But then if there’s a pasta dish I like as well as a main course I like, it will be very tempting!

I have time to think this through but it’s a bit of a bugger. And “like a barrel” is really not for me.

8 thoughts on “Barrell

  1. HI ANDY – I think this can go in the category of a “high-class-problem”, and one you will resolve. :-)
    Love Gail

  2. I can’t picture Andy-barrell-like and I’m pretty sure you are NOT going to put on much weight, especially if you eat things like ceci.
    Don’t worry and don’t stop eating lunch as you’re going to starve in a few weeks or so. Not eating at lunch is difficult as one needs energy to deal with work.
    So, I’d suggest eating at lunch + dinner without exaggerating. You’ll be fine.
    By the way, you ARE THIN!

    • Oh, I don’t know. All things are possible :-)
      For most of my life, I didn’t eat anything for lunch. It started when I was about 12 when I used to use the money my parents gave me for lunch at school to buy cigarettes :-)
      We’ll see, anyway.

  3. It’s a fairly normal practice for people to eat lunch as well as dinner, Andy. Sometimes people even eat breakfast (although I never do). You should be able to manage 2 meals a day without getting fat (unless your meals consist of chocolate cake). Or you could always (dare I say it?) exercise.

    • Is “exercise” some new kind food? If so, I want some :-D

      Yes, I know most people seem to be able to manage 2 meals a day (or even 3 if you count and Italian breakfast) but maybe it’s something to do with training your body. Since I’ve been having one meal a day since the age of 14, I guess my body has become used to that. Or, it’s because I’ve reached a “certain age”?

      I’m going with the latter, to be honest. They used to call it “middle aged spread” (even if I’m past the middle age bit). Of course, the drinking may not help much ;-)

      Mmmmmm. Now I REALLY want some chocolate cake! Thanks Ruth!

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