We had clients at work last week. Just for a couple of days.
When I ran my own business, a couple of days (or, even a few hours for that matter) with clients would leave me totally drained, exhausted, shagged out. Of course, it was my business, so I expected it.
Coming here and, now, working for someone else, I assumed that would go away and, to some extent, it has. I don’t reach the end of each day completely knackered.
I originally put that down to the fact that, without the business to worry about, I often sleep through the whole night instead of waking at 2 or 3 and staying awake for a couple of hours.
But, even so, the clients still exhaust me.
And, then I read this article about small talk and, half way through, I found the thing.
I am naturally introverted. I don’t speak to people easily (not like F nor V before him). At parties or large gatherings, I’ll quite happily – well, I say quite happily but, of course, it’s not happily since I feel uncomfortable and out of my depth and just want to go home as soon as possible – stay in the corner or, if I can find poor sod to talk to, I’ll cling to them like a limpet! The bright side to the latter is that I do have a few friends as a result of that – I obviously didn’t bore them enough!
But, in the article it explains that a naturally introverted person will feel exhausted after small talk. And that’s certainly me.
So, that partly explains why I feel exhausted after I’ve been with clients. After all, most of the time I don’t actually “like” them, as people but I have to make small talk, which I find difficult. I’m British and so, certainly, we talk about the weather. And I can talk about my dogs. And, being here, I can talk about living here. But that’s it. And to make it worse, I have to be cheerful and pleasant to people that, sometimes, I would rather stab with a large blade! Many times. So it really hurts.
But, of course, I don’t and wouldn’t. But I would really like to walk away and not speak to anyone.
And one of the problems with making small talk is showing interest in a) other people who would, normally, bore me to tears and b) anything they’re interested in (like, who cares about your tropical marine fish? Not me!)
And so, the day after I was so tired you cannot believe how bad it was. I would have preferred not to talk to anyone, even F! I would have preferred to have sat at my desk and not moved. But none of these things are possible. However, I probably seemed grumpy – so, sorry Pietro – but if you read this and the article you may understand how bad it is for me?
Anyway, at least I know I’m not alone with this problem. So that’s the bright side, I suppose.

you always make me LOL.
“I would rather stab with a large blade” ahhahhh!!
“who cares about your tropical marine fish?!!!”
Noooo, you’re not alone.
I speak about things I could care less but I pretend to be really interested in fucking stupid things (or fucking boring researches). I am bad at it, though. After a while I HAVE to go the toilet or I really HAVE to go otherwise I’ll miss the train etc..
However, I can’t imagine you staying in a corner as you seem not introverted to me! Actually, quite opposite! G. is introverted and of course I am the opposite
Glad I was able to make you laugh, Lola
No, really. I can stay in a corner without problem, holding my glass and wishing I was anywhere else!
I have to make a REAL effort to talk to anyone, especially if I don’t know them. F, on the other hand, is completely the opposite and people become his best friends (from their point of view anyway) within minutes. It’s a joke between us now. On the other hand, I am useful for him when he has to meet up with English/American people (like a colleague from London that he had to spend the evening with last year – so I came along to help
Of course, writing is different …….