The thermometer on the balcony, in the shade, says it’s currently 38 degrees. Wow, Yes!
I shall be away for a few days next week. Another fabulous trip to the delights of Wolverhampton, via Bristol airport. Oh joy. Guess I will have to dig out some of my winter stuff.
Whilst I am away, given the hours that V is working, I expect the remaining live plants on the balcony will be dead and that Dino’s toilet training will suffer a large setback. By the way, Dino is now almost the same size as Rufus, shoulder to shoulder. Scary, considering he’s only coming up to five months old!
And next week is the final week before our (where I work, that is, not a holiday with V, of course, since that’s what we won’t be having) 2 week holiday. Which also means it’s only 11 days until S is here, with the kids. Yay. Although, notoriously, the weather breaks around the 15th (Ferragosta). I’m just hoping that this year is an exception. I mean we don’t need 38 degrees to be sitting at a cafĂ© but the high 20s/low 30s and no rain would be good.
Hi Andy,
I am commenting here because I commented on a story from 7/23 and you may not go sifting through. So hi, I am REALLY here, I found you. I emailed you too –
You have some fun features on your blog.
I am awaiting your reply on my last comment on F A’s blog. In case you are concerned I couldn’t/wouldn’t kill him so the resulting beating I took for ‘us’ was over in a couple of minutes. I am fine and you/we are worth it. Phew….
I am a riot, aren’t I??
So, I feel “REALLY” out of place here. You hae to open a door, offer me some tea or wine, something. Help!!
Gail et al
Hi Andy,
so you moderate replies, as in review them first? wow!!
soooooooooooo, here I am. yoohoo
I have to work Friday.
and just so you know, Fallen Angel is the gentlest soul on this earth. soft spoken, firm but gentle hands, so all my “Color Purple” references and chatter about beating as outcomes is pure hooey, jest, and folly. When he wraps his arms around me I am safe and when his hands touch me (not in a creepy way), :-), he is comforting and brotherly and protective.
I guess I think everyone is naive like me.. I am SO literal that I forget others are not.
I mentioned in my comment on Fallen Angel’s blog that my Mom’s family is from the Province of Avilon, and a village called Sereno. Do you know of it?
If you want a chuckle, and you click on my profile again it lists my blog. I have only one entry. The introduction. I think I want your input and/or reaction. Go easy on me I bruise easily.
Is the video on hear of you? The guy in black that begins the video and is chatting with the lady with the glasses? You are quite handsome, well, gorgeous actually. Jesus!
I love Dino and Rufus!
My dog’s name is Harley. He is going on 15 years old. He is a gentle mix of lab, spaniel and terrier. Looks like a caramel sundae.
He is almost blind now and almost deaf. He has a heart murmur and a limp. We love him SO much.
Well, I have to get some sleep. I hope to hear that you found me at your door, so to speak. I feel like an orphan.
Love and peace,
Gail et al
I’ve been away for a few days so haven’t been able to moderate comments. I’m afraid I had to start that due to inappropriate comments.
I will look at FA’s blog later this morning so I’ll check out your comments.
I will also try to answer the email, depending on how work goes and how busy I am. However, I’ll definitely answer it by tomorrow.
No, it’s not me. It’s a very popular singer in Italy right now.
Anyway, the door is now open, Gail. Drop by any time you like.
Harley’s at a grand age. Good for him. The mix sounds interesting. Can’t quite picture it, really.
Hope you got some good sleep.
Hi ANdy,
I am at work as well. Finishing up notes from groups I facilitated today. I have said so much in these two commenets, my comment on Fallen Angel’s pervious writing, the one about the porch at dawn and my email.
I know you are busy and I hope you can respond to the thoughts, inuendos, folly and jest. I always find there is an intensity when things ‘begin’, you agree?
Annyway, I am glad your travel was safe and you are home.
Awaiting your words,
Gail et al
Hi Andy,
I wrote to you on here from work today but it did not even say it was waiting for a moderator, which is you of course. I certainly understand the need but for me it feels so ‘principal office-ish’!!
anyway, i mentioned that i have written alot on here, and in my email and on the last comment on F A ‘s blog. There are so many inuendos, (sp), questions I raised, ideas brought forth, information shared and as we begin your feelings around all that matter.
soooooo I am waiitrng for your words, your precious words.
Gail et al
Hi Andy,
I see that the email I sent you from work on Friday did arrive and is two above this one, Hmmmmmm. I also just saw your comment on F A’s blog. Missed that too until just now. Wow, talk about synaptic misfiring. eesh!!
FYI – I have never used the word ‘whilst’. Not once. I am going to start though. It is a great word – a tad tough to say.
It has the feel of a two syllable word, ya know?
Sounds like your driving trauma was hair-raising! And for you to make so many typos as a result? – , well, well well Mr English teacher. hah!!
(that was me being about 10)!!!
So, I hope my email with the three “it’s” didn’t scare you off. I sent you a funny thing that I find hysterical to off set the other. I am a blend of many things, none of which either eliminates or enhances the other. Each has “it’s” own merit.
and there you have it. Voila! and Viola too..
Gail et al
peace and some chilled pinot girigio.
oh you must be shaking your head with some of my language. I wrote ‘hear’ instead of ‘here’. on comment #2. I mis-spelled ‘comments’ in #4. Jesus.
What is the time difference between us?
gail et al
Please, Gail,
I’m not really looking at the spelling. After all, Americans can’t really spell (take colour as an example)!
Too many questions to answer!!!!
I think the time difference is about 5 hours.
Chilled Pinot Grigio is good!