As I have mentioned in some other post or posts, there is a prostitute who ‘works’ a corner just near where I live.
She always say ‘Hi, puppy!’ when we go past. (BTW, she’s talking to Dino at that point, not me ). We say Hi to each other and I mumble something about the weather (especially recently as it’s been so cold, poor thing). I don’t know where’s she’s from. She is very tall and has legs right up to her bum. But I don’t really know much about her except that she is, undoubtedly, a prostitute.
I don’t have a big problem with it, in as much as I’m not interested and I do feel kinda sorry for her in that, as a career choice (if she has any choice), it wouldn’t rate as a fabulous choice imho.
But this is a profession that’s very, very old and, at least, it’s direct and to the point. I.e. you want sex, you pay for it.
Whereas, this, apparently, is most definitely NOT!
I mean, even where there are men saying they’ll fork out thousands of dollars a month, the terms and conditions explicitly state:
Please take note that we prohibit anyone from promoting illegal activities (such as prostitution) or commercial activities of any kind in their profile or in messages sent on the site and if such conduct comes to our attention we reserve the right to, amongst other things, remove you from our website and ban you permanently.
So, there you are. Not prostitution. Nor anything like it. Obviously.
Perhaps I should write down the url and give it to my lady friend from the corner?
In the meantime, I met this next lady once, in the street, in Milan. And she smiled at me. But she’s really tiny and not a prostitute, unlike my lady-from-the-corner friend.
(Tina Turner – What’s Love Got To Do With It?)
You met her?
Thank you for the video. I love this song
Well, sort of. She smiled at me as we passed in the street (I think it was via della spiga).
To be honest, I didn’t recognise her. Just as she passed me, V said, “Oh my God! That was Tina Turner!” In my usual manner I said “Where?” and he replied, “There, behind you. She just smiled at you” Which she had done but I thought it was some very short, unknown black woman who smiled at me. I am fairly crap at this ‘celebrity’ watching stuff
“very short, unknown black woman who smiled at me”
this made me LOL
Love this Song, too!