Will this make me gay?


As a gay person I must be a bit of a disappointment to the rest of the gay community. Indeed, I have been called the straightest of gay men. Many, many years ago, at a place that I worked, we did consulting to a well-known company based in the East of London/Essex. My work colleague was rumoured to be gay by the people we worked with at our customer. He countered this by telling people how wrong they had got it and that he was married with kids (and showing them pictures to prove it) whilst I was the one that was gay! I didn’t bear any grudge but thought it quite funny that so many people had got it so wrong.

Amongst other things, this straight/gay thing means that, for instance, I don’t wear any make-up; don’t really worry about being ‘toned’ (although these days it is a young, straight thing anyway) and never, never put what I call ‘crap’, on my body. ‘Crap’ includes cream – i.e. hand cream/body cream, etc.

However, since about November of last year, when we didn’t have a working washing machine, I had to do a lot of washing by hand. This played havoc with the skin on my hands which, until that point, had been as soft as a baby’s bottom (well, almost). The thing that really frustrated me is, that, my hands never recovered and, even now, parts of them are very rough with dry skin.

So, last night, after several months of putting up with this I had to phone V to ask what handcream he used, whilst I was in the supermarket. And, for the first time, really, I have started using hand cream. I am really hoping it is a temporary measure and that within a month or so, my hands will be back to normal as I am not keen on this new normal at all.

Perhaps, I am becoming a real gay person after all?

4 thoughts on “Will this make me gay?

  1. Yes, I knew that when I put it up but, really, it was the best picture I could find on the first results page when typing that title into Google! However, I do think of you every time now and realise that, strangely, even if I am aware of it, I still continue to find the best picture that of a female.

    This has to say something but I’m just not sure what!

    With regard to it raising issues. OK, I will look forward to your blog post about that!!

  2. Now I understand the cream! If you want, there is also something else that smoothes (I do not know the right word: I told you, I do not know english :-) ) your skin: hydraulic oil. Believe me. I tried it several time, as you know. Ok, now I do not have any more skin on my hands, but I solved definitely the problem!

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