I went to a second-hand book fair last Saturday. It was organised by the Anglican Church in Milan of which, one of my friends here is a member.
I came away with 6 books to add to my other 2 that I am saving for the summer weekends and weeks on the beach. I can’t remember all the titles or authors but they included Bleak House which I have never actually read.
In fact, I realised as I bought it, the only Dickens I have read was when I was at school and I thought it was about time I read one of them for pleasure.
Previously, I had bought Life of Pi and the Hilary Mantel book, Wolf Hall, her historical fictional account of Thomas Cromwell’s rise to power. In fact, I shouldn’t have bought Life of Pi at all. I was lent it by someone but then Piero got it and it was turned into small pieces of paper, spread all over the flat, so I bought another copy and I might as well read it before I give it back.
So, that’s my summer reading all sorted now. All I need is summer which is taking a rather long time to come through and all the rain we are having is rather annoying, not to say anything about how cold it is.
F, having spent all last week in Spain (for work), became ill but still travelled down to his Aunt and Uncle’s 50th Wedding Anniversary “party” on Saturday. I was invited but I don’t think he was so keen for me to go, so I didn’t. However, he rang me during the meal because his Aunt wanted to thank me for the present (which F bought in Spain – but which he said was from both of us) and his cousin just wanted to say hello. It’s nice of them but I still get confused with S and, in fact, his Aunt called me S.
But that really doesn’t bother me at all on the basis that they see us as a couple in the same was as F & S were and, after all, they’re both foreign names to them
F only went down for the day (the party was a lunch) but by the time he came back he was worse.
Sunday we went to the hospital. The sister of P (One of F’s best friends and who got married last year in Villa Singer), E, has just had her kidney replaced (she had been on dialysis for ages) and, until the middle of last week, had been doing so well, they were going to send her home. Then it started rejecting and so they needed to put her on stronger drugs and keep her monitored. Obviously, as she comes from Cararra, she is a long way from home and F tries to see her as often as possible. Sunday, we went together.
The hospital is one of the biggest in Milan and only a little way outside the city. It took us about 10 minutes to get there by car). The strange thing was that, apart from the hospital beds and people walking around with bags hanging from them containing liquids of various kinds, it didn’t actually SEEM like a hospital. I mean it didn’t have the usual hospital smell that I really hate. It almost seemed quite nice!
Anyway, P rang F later to say that she had been very happy to see us, so that was nice.
By Sunday night F was feeling worse. Yesterday, he didn’t go to work and this morning, he went to the doctors to be told he had otitis and he’s off work until Friday (which is good because we have the Lisa Stansfield concert on Friday night).
Now, here’s thing. I mean to say, here’s the point of this post.
F doesn’t really do being ill very well. In fact, he always prefers (he says), to be on his own.
However, he has gone home, on his way back from the doctor’s, to get changes of clothes before he comes to my place to stay with the dogs! This is a huge difference from previous illnesses when he would go home and stay there. Of course, I guess it helps that I am there in the evenings to make drinks and other things for him. Bless.
Ciao Andy,
I sure Piero read Life of Piero instead of Life of Pi and this is why he ate that book !
Unfortunately, Orlando likes “reading” too, If you know what I mean
Mantel’s book is pretty good. I haven’t read it yet but I bought it for a friend of mine and he -who, by accident, is an historian- loved it. It’s not a “beach book” though.
Poor F. I am ill too. I’ve caught a bad cold… right before the event which is scheduled on Friday, of course.
Anyway, I’m glad that he is with you though. This is good news
LOL. If only he could actually read he’d be worth a fortune and I would be very rich

I think he appreciates it!
She won the Booker prize for both this and the follow up, so it SHOULD be good. I’m sure it’s a beach book for me. I don’t really like “nothing” books – even on the beach.
Indeed, poverini both of you
He went to the doctor today and has various medicines to take for 7 days. Anyway, I made him a courgette and ricotta tart tonight and bought him loads of food he likes
wow! A ricotta tart
how nice of you.
Yeah, I’m taking medicines too as I have to be ready for Friday.
I know. I’m a very nice person

I’m sure you will be fine for Friday