You know that thing?
You’re on holiday.
You wake up in the morning and go out onto the balcony and the sky is that strong blue and the temperature is such that a pair of shorts and a T-shirt is more than enough to wear.
That. That thing.
Well, that’s what it’s like for me nearly every day in the summer here. Like I’m on holiday
Anyway, last weekend, I started two books. Quinn’s Way and Bleak House.
I finished one of them.
And it wasn’t Bleak House. Just the introduction notes to Bleak House took me an hour or so!
Quinn’s Way was OK. My criticism would be a) that there was a load of stuff about the scamming in the motor trade that was almost like making a list and b) the ending went too fast and my character kinda disappeared.
Bleak House is something else. Not exactly a light read.
Anyway, the weather now is superb. Not too hot (about 33°C) and warm in the mornings.
Oh, yes, and we went to the Milan Launch Party for the BMWi3 last night. This is the new battery powered/hybrid, slightly-larger-than-a-Fiat-500 car. The party was invitation only and it’s ‘cos we know a friend of a colleague of F’s.
Anyway, it only started at 9. We got there about 10 and left about 11.15. But it was nice.
At one point, F said to me: “I hate these people”. “What people?” “The people here. It’s all so false.”
Which is true – but, still, it was nice.