Well, I suppose I’d better give a bit of an update whilst I’m waiting for our IT guy to update my Java thing and wait for the download of a website that’s been hacked which, I sincerely hope, I can then fix.
So, our final offer was accepted.
Tomorrow, F will go and get a draft version of the contract and we’ll look at it this weekend. Or, rather, he’ll look at it since it will be in Italian.
So, I’m guessing, next week we will sign and agree a date to move in (which will be either the end of June or the end of July, I think).
There will be lots to do and, probably, there will be no trips down to Carrara until after we move in which is a bit of a shame but it’s OK.
Also, on Friday, a guy will come to talk about recovering the sofas and chairs.
And I have to sort out my clocks.
And clear loads of things out before moving. And I’m incredibly busy with lessons, editing and other things in the meantime, so less time to do things and relax.
It’s all good fun, probably, isn’t it? Certainly, no time to worry about what it’ll be like AFTER we move, which is, absolutely, a good thing.
Still, one thing at a time ……
Hi Andy – moving along indeed. Nice. I am interested to know about your clocks.
Love Gail
Hi Gail,
I only have two clocks now. I used to “collect” them. Mainly Art Deco and I had quite a few Granddaughter clocks (about 2/3 the size of Grandfather clocks) but moving to Italy meant selling most. Now I have a stunning Art Deco Grandfather clock (bought with the money left to me by my beloved Grandfather – which seems fitting) and a mantle clock of indeterminate age but may be somewhere between 1890 and 1940, possibly French. They both have lovely sounds but over the years and the moves, the workings have become a bit the worse for wear and they need cleaning and some repair work done. If we’re moving to the new flat, I want them working perfectly