“They are a bad omen”, he said.
“Oh, shit”, I replied, “I did wonder just after I had paid for them but they’re his favourite. I thought you would know but are you sure?”
“Well, I’m pretty sure”, he said, uncertainly. “But I’m sure it will be fine”.
“I’m going to look on the internet”, I told him. I needed it not to be true.
We both looked on the internet.
“There!”, I said triumphantly, “it says that they are for your true love”.
“Well, the site I have says that they are for forgiveness”.
“You’re full of shit, you know”, I laughed as I said this. “Next time I’ll just look on the internet. If there’s a problem I’ll show him the site I’m on”.
“I’m sure he will love them anyway”, he says.
And he did, which was all that counted.
But, phoning V was full of laughs. At the end of it all, he doesn’t know everything but it was an enjoyable conversation.