I can’t wait until tomorrow afternoon

Overall, it’s not been too bad.  I didn’t get paranoid apart from the other night, when he didn’t text back quickly enough.  Oh, yes, and then after Monday night when I got drunk and phoned him so late.

And then there’s today.  And today I start to worry about how it will be when we meet at the airport.  I mean, after a week apart, will I really feel that something again?  And this is after this morning, when I had woken before the alarm and started to think of us, in bed, and sex and all that and how good that made me feel and seeing him and holding him and being with him and being turned on by only the thoughts of him.

So there!  It’s just being stupid.  Although not helped by the fact that I’ve had no message this morning.  Normally one of us texts in the morning and the other replies and then we have several text exchanges during the day.  Today, so far, there have been no texts from him, which is strange.  So I texted and went for the receipt on delivery thing you can do.  No receipt.  This means he has no phone (forgotten) or it has no battery or something else.

Of course, the “something else” worries me.  I am a worrier, it seems; no, it’s not ‘seem’, I know I am.

And, tomorrow, I shall make Shepherd’s/Cottage Pie (one of his favourites) and, maybe Nan’s Trifle or Treacle Tart and then take them with me when I pick him up, so we can have that Saturday night or, if he doesn’t want that ‘cos he’s too tired, Sunday.

We spoke last night as I’m walking back from A’s house where I had been for a drink.  He asked if we were going to FfI’s house on Saturday night.  I said no and that I had told everyone that he would be tired and that, anyway, we hadn’t seen each other for a week and that we wouldn’t be going anywhere.  He was pleased with that and said so.  I remember how it is when you’ve been away.  And then there’s the adjustments that you (have to) make when you’re back together – although we haven’t been together long enough for there to be a real problem with that – that comes later with time I think.

So, there’s me worrying about how I will feel when we are together again………and then, seconds later thinking about how I want to hold him and kiss him and squeeze him and stroke his feet and caress his back and run my hand over his head like I do and play with his ears and kiss those too to turn him on and look at him………..and?


A friend said to me that V wasn’t very nice (to the friend).  I feigned not knowing and not understanding.  But I knew.  And V was like that sometimes.  It made my life more difficult.  I don’t know what to say/didn’t know what to say.  I said that I still loved him and that you can’t just let 20 years go and that V was a little strange sometimes.  I had to stop the friend bad-mouthing V.

It was true but I don’t want to hear someone else making out he was not perfect.  I can do that but can’t hear it from someone else.  Strange, I thought.  What does it mean?


I look at his picture on the screen.  I look into his eyes.  I love that face.

I can’t wait until tomorrow afternoon.

Tuscan and Chinese eating

What I didn’t mention was the restaurants over the first couple of nights this week.  And I should.  And so:

Monday night we tried to go the Mexican but it was closed.  So I told them there was the new Milanese restaurant in the parallel street that did great food (even if the service could have been better).  Unfortunately, Monday is obviously not a good day for restaurants as that was closed too.

However, next door was a smallish Tuscan restaurant.  FfI’s sort-of-boyfriend, O suggested we go there and I was quite up for it.

Trattoria della Zia (Aunt’s Trattoria) was fairly nondescript from the outside.  It looked like it had been there for a while.  We went in anyway.  Really we had a main course only (although we did share a portion of Crostini as an antipasto).  It was Fiorentina which, if it is good meat, is truly fabulous although, to be honest, the best one I had was in Florence about 12 years ago.

However, this one was, probably, the best one that I have had in Milan.  The meat was perfectly cooked and with very little sinew which, considering it is blue, is kind of important.  We had some potatoes (a kind of roast potato) and some grilled vegetables and some white beans.

Truly delicious.  Afterwards we had some Mirto and O suggested I try Chino Martini, which I did and had a couple of glasses of those.  Hence my post about the note to myself.

The night before last was with V and we ended up at the Chinese – Imperiale, on via Plinio….again.

Nice, as usual.  It had been some time since V had been there now that he lives across town.  And I only stuck to one Sambuca afterwards – essential for a clear head in the morning!

But, for me, so far, the Trattoria della Zia is the best Tuscan restaurant I’ve been to in Milan, certainly for the Fiorentina steak anyway.

I’m sorry I made you cry

When it’s broken it’s broken.

The alarm said 3.  It actually said 3.55 which meant nearly four but my eyes only really saw the 3.  Three whole hours (and a bit) of sleep would I be getting this night.  This really isn’t quite working out as I had planned.

I heard the three words again.  Seems there’s a lot of it about.  Maybe, on that drunken night, a long time ago now, it seems, I didn’t say everything that I could have.  Or, at least, he didn’t remember.  But, then, things, reasons, excuses, have also changed in time and are not the same as they were before.  They are different but no less untrue for all that.

And there’s the heart of it.  The centre of it all.  And still, even confronted with the evidence, with what must be suspected, still there is a reluctance to admit anything, as if, by admitting, everything will be destroyed forever.

But, everything is already destroyed and was, really, all those years ago.  It just took me a long time to realise it and a long time to come to terms with it; me, hanging on to what I thought was real, even if I knew it was not.

Eventually, I got an admission – of sorts.  Not much of one, true, and probably not the whole truth or, even, a tiny portion of it – but something.

I just want to scream ‘Stop fucking lying to me!’ and yet I know that it will continue.  I told him about Karl.  About what happened.  Well, not all but some.  I needed him to understand that, even if he still thought he held a flame for me, it could never be again.

I really want him to be happy, just not with me, in spite of anything he might think that he wants.  I don’t want him to make the same mistake he made with me and it hurts me to see that he is doing it again.  Already.

I guess it must be like some sort of drug.

Earlier he said that I was too honest.  It was true, in a way.  I cannot hide how I feel or what I think very well, except, perhaps, in business.  But not with friends or lovers or, even, ex-lovers.

I fail to understand why people lie.  What’s the point?  OK, so saying someone looks nice even if you don’t think they do is one thing.  I’m talking about important things here.

There were tears but I think the tears were for himself and what could have been…..but isn’t.  And, yet, I still felt guilty.  As if it were my fault, which I know it is not.  Oh, yes, I must shoulder some of the blame for it all, certainly, but it’s not my fault.

This may give a wrong impression.  An impression that the evening was crap or not enjoyable.  And yet it wasn’t those things.  It was good and nice and pleasant and fun, for the most part.  A little like the whole 20-odd years.

Still, I’m sorry I made you cry.

Last night, we made a start

There was, of course, the trip to Ikea and other ‘out of town’ stores for looking at furniture.  Mainly for his new flat but also a wardrobe for mine.

He had the car from work.  He wanted to be there for about 9.30 a.m.  We stayed at his place.  I woke at about 7.30 first but dozed until it got to about 8 or 8.30.  I would have preferred to sleep in and, in fact, he said at one point, that, perhaps, we should go tomorrow.  I replied that if we didn’t do it today we might miss tomorrow and then, next Saturday, he would still be in Germany and really we should get up.  Even if I didn’t want that.

We got up, had coffee and then went to do the dogs.  Once the dogs had been walked, he drove to the first store.

Now, I should remind you that he is not so tall, slightly built and so very sweet, never really getting angry.  Well, that’s not quite true but almost.  He does have very strong opinions about certain things.  Take the Chinese family living next door to him.  He has threatened to kill them several times now.  Last night, with the children screaming and crying and much shouting going on, he finally snapped and went to get a shoe to bang on the wall.  It had the desired effect.

However, generally he is sweet and without real anger.  Until Saturday morning, however.

I have driven with Italians before.  Italians drive in a particular way.  Cutting each other up; Signalling left when they subsequently go right; Stopping suddenly to ‘park’ (we would say double park); Pulling out from a side road in front of you, etc.  It means you really have to pay attention to the traffic and expect the unexpected.  I do use my horn more often than I would in the UK but that’s because it is really one of the only ways you will survive here.

However, generally, I don’t swear and shout at other drivers.  Why would I? What’s the point?  It’s not like they can hear you and it’s not like it would change their driving habits either.  So I remain quite calm.

Other Italians, when I’m in the car, do tend to be more demonstrative when they are driving, both verbally and physically.  However, Saturday was a little different.  F became a different person from the one I knew.  It didn’t scare me or anything like that and he is quite a good driver but, in the half hour or so it took us to get to the first store, I probably heard all the Italian swearwords (and, in fact, a few more that I didn’t know before) and more than once.

As I pointed out to him, it’s a bloody good thing that our first ‘date’ wasn’t him driving me somewhere otherwise I would have thought him a very aggressive and uncontrollable animal.

As it was, because I know that he is only like this when behind the wheel, I found it somewhat amusing.  What amuses me further is that he is a little like this even when I’m driving!  However, not nearly as bad.

Saturday night we were meeting my friend G and going to the Brasserie Bruxelles on Viale Abruzzi.  A & F2 were coming too.

They have a rather excellent selection of beers.  Once again, F proved to be so good, chatting to A & F2 whilst G & I were able to catch up.  G saying that F didn’t really seem like an Italian – a little more Anglicised – and not only because he drank beer like any good Englishman.  G had phoned me to say he had arrived at the station and I told him what bus to get.  The F phoned to say that he was at the station (the car was being taken by another colleague) and could pick G up.  Of course, neither of them had each other’s number so there were a couple of phone calls with me in the middle.  However, F found G, even if they had never met before and then they got to the bar by car

Then we went for a pizza at Al Basilico, just a block down from the bar.

A & F2 were then going home but G wanted us (F & I) to meet R, the new girl in his life and so we went to this bar/restaurant/club place called Shanghai.

G is going back to the UK.  He hates the mentality of the Italians and the fact that it is so difficult to get things done here – every step halted by a wall that always seems impenetrable.  He hates the fact that the Italians are too busy (well, maybe this is particular to the Milanese) looking the part without the substance (which is also how F feels, certainly about Milan).  He’s been here for 10 years.  I explained that, being here for so long, there’s no way that he can go back and live in the UK.  For all that Italy and the Italians may drive you crazy, there are things that will happen in the UK where he will suddenly think how much he misses Italy (and the Italians).

But back to Shanghai.  I hate and loath these places with passion.  A huge hanger-like place.  Far too full of people; all busy being the best there.  We were going for a drink (but really to meet R).  She was very sweet and very, very pretty.  But neither F nor I were really happy about being in that place.  I mean, it’s a place for people that neither of us really like and exactly one of the reasons why G was going back to the UK ….. but he was there only for R, of course!

If I never get to go back to Shanghai again, it will be too soon.

We go home.  His home.  He wants to spend the night at his place because he has to get ready for his trip and because he wants to have Sunday breakfast at the café.  So, maybe, it’s his ‘thing’ too, after all?

We get up late(ish) and go to have breakfast which, as you know, I love doing.

I go and do the dogs, some washing, etc.  He gets ready for the trip.

I get back later and he does dinner.  I have brought wine and moved the car to nearby his place.

We don’t have dinner immediately.  When I arrive, he is getting ready for a bath, having spent some time doing his ‘beauty’ treatment stuff.  He is in his white underpants.  He is incredibly sexy.  I wonder, at one point, why I think he’s incredibly sexy and why does he turn me on so.  I don’t know.  There are things about him, his body, that, ordinarily, I would not find a turn-on and yet, here he is and every single part of him is so sexy.  Even his feet, which I think are beautiful!  I find myself looking at him and wanting him – all the time.  I sit and chat to him as he has a bath, concentrating on the chat to hide the fact that I just want to look at him.

After dinner he does his Farmville thing.  He sits on the chair with his legs crossed under him, without socks.  I sit next to him and stroke his feet.  I have never had any sort of foot fetish but, with him, I think I could!

I go home later to walk the dogs and come back just after 9.  We go to bed early as we are getting up at 5.30 – I’m taking them to the airport.

Neither of us can sleep.  Not because we aren’t tired.  We talk a little.  I tell him that I get paranoid when I’m not with him (about the lack of things in common) and I worry about that because this will be the longest time we’ve been apart.  I tell him that I know it is stupid and he agrees and says there is so much we can learn from each other.  And I know that is true, still, I think he’s starting to understand me and he is more affectionate than normal.  He tells me of the things going on in his head – the reasons he can’t sleep – work, the new flat, the lack of time to do everything.  I tell him not to worry and that everything will be OK and I will help him if he asks and that, at the very worst, he can stay at mine if everything is not ready.  He knows that and says so and says thanks and means it.  And we talk a little more about his actual work and why this trip is important both for him and the company.  And I have a better understanding of why he is where he is within the company.  He had said over the weekend that he will be introducing me to the big boss as his new boyfriend – and I think that he is proud to do so.  And that makes me happy.

He is having the test soon and is worried about that.  I ask him if he wants me to have the test too.  He doesn’t really say but I know that he does.  I tell him that I will do it.  I know it will make him happy.  He asks when I last had the test and I tell him that it was about 22 years ago.  He is shocked but I explain that there was no need.  I was only with V.  He asks if I wasn’t worried that V was with someone else and I said that no, I wasn’t.  And that was true.  at least it was true for the most of it.  Still, I know it will make him happy and he says it would make a big difference (and you can work that out for yourselves).

The Chinese people next door don’t help.

This morning, he says we’ll just have 5 minutes of cuddling before getting up.  Then another five minutes.  Then we get up.

He says he is so appreciative of me taking him to the airport.  I explain that it means extra time with him.  He doesn’t seem to get it – every second with him is like some sort of bonus.  He has said that I should not come and pick him up but agrees to it as I leave them at the airport.

And so, I shall pick him up on Saturday and be glad to do so.

And, in the space of the weekend, he has become even more demonstrably affectionate, as if he is understanding that I am true.  And, even if there is so much more to discuss, at least, last night, we have made a start.

I mentioned the blog

It seems that S (F’s ex) wants to meet me.  I joked and said that he wanted to check me out, making sure I was ‘suitable’.  F said that he had only introduced one other guy to S and that was the someone that lasted 6 months.  So I guess F is trying to tell me something.

I mentioned that I had written, before I met him, that, for some reason, the meeting with F seemed more important than the rest [of the meetings] but that I had no idea why [it seemed more nor why I wrote that].  I mentioned the ‘blog’.  That is – this blog.

There was a look on his face that I couldn’t quite discern.  I was ready for the questioning, ready for some surprise or some interest or something.  There was nothing.  It is entirely possible, since this is Italy, that he has no real idea of what I was talking about.

I am sure it will come up again later.

Last night was an English night.  I explained to him, prior to going out that I would be speaking English all night; that I must speak English all night.  I said I would explain later.  I did.

We went to the Imperiale in Via Plinio.  N suggested it and as A wanted to go out too I suggested that he come, which he did.  Great night.  F was, as usual, in great form.  Whilst F & A were talking sometimes, N & I discussed various things.  I told her that I adore him.  Which I do.  Sometimes, when we’re out, I look at him and I am so pleased to be with him that I just want to hug him there and then.  Instead, as usual, I rest my arm on the back of his chair and stroke his back with my thumb; the touching of him being enough to satisfy my for that time, in that public place.  And although our backs were to the rest of the restaurant, I just didn’t care.  Even at one point where I realised this.

Actually, this is almost exactly how I felt when V & I were together and out.

Next week, he will be in Germany all week.  He leaves early on Monday morning.  I have offered to drive them to the airport, of course.  He comes back on Saturday either late afternoon or evening.

I know I will miss him already but, at least, I can try to catch up on my sleep!

Speaking, of course, is a different thing; I feel quite stupid when I talk


We were on the phone for a while.  I rang because I needed some help which he was great about.  Then we talked about Ig and him.  And he was saying that he has very strong feeling for Ig and doesn’t want him to go but that he wants his freedom ‘cos he feels that he needs that more now.  I told him to be careful because he could lose Ig on the way and why doesn’t he try it first…..he can always split if it didn’t work out.

And then he was saying that, although they talk a lot and have the same sort of ideas, they have nothing in common and I reminded him that neither did we when we first got together but then we had lots of things in common by the end – the things in common happen because you either like to do the same things or you compromise and do the same things anyway, even if you don’t particularly like them or they do nothing for you.

I told him not to worry about that.

But then it got me to thinking (and I’ve already told him that he shouldn’t do too much thinking about it, lest he becomes Italian), we, that is F & I, don’t seem to have so much in common – and then I started to worry about that and worry about the fact that, maybe, there is nothing there other than the physical side and continue to thinking about how it would be in 6 months or a year when we run out of things to say……

And that’s exactly why I gave him the advice I did and why I must take the same advice.

And then I went round last night and all that worry disappeared for I was so glad to see him and hold him and kiss him again and just be with him.  And I knew that I was right in what I had said to V. These things in common become the things you have in common as you do things together.  And I knew it to be true.

For various reasons, he had not eaten at lunchtime and so he was hungry.  Anyway it was our meseversary (lol)!

And so we went to the Sardinian restaurant (Baia Chia on Via Bazzini), again.  This is because he goes there often, they know him, and he really likes the food and service.  And, I have to be honest, so do I and, in particular, their Mirto (after dinner liqueur) which is so much nicer than the stuff you can buy in the shops.

The waitress, who loved S (his ex) seems also quite taken with me.  She said that she likes that I ‘speak sweetly’ to him.  I chose an starter but she suggested something else.  I accepted her choice.  It was lovely.  We drank wine, we talked about Christmas about his work about us about many things.  The conversation was good.  He told me that I must speak Italian to him.  I am scared of this.  I cannot express myself very well in Italian since the words I know are limited in number.  My grammar is crap (but I’m not worried about that because I can learn that as we go along) – but it’s the lack of words that is the problem.

I talked about the first time we met and how I didn’t think anything would happen.

We drank the mirto at the end (they put the bottle on the table – something that would never happen in the UK (and, I guess, the USA) and we had several glasses.  F went to pay.  He gets a big discount.  A few moments after he came back, the waitress came up with a bottle of Mirto for me to take as a present.  They would not take payment for it.

They love him, of course.  What’s not to love?  And, after the comment about me talking sweetly to him, we discussed the fact that people must be able to ‘see’ how we feel about each other.

We walked home (well, to his home) and, after a couple of cigarettes, went to bed and I know that it is ‘right’ and good and that he is the man for me.

This morning, I am walking home and it is just about 6 a.m. so no metro or buses.  I am so happy in spite of the cold and that feeling remains even now.

This morning I changed the writing language on my mobile phone to that of Italian and so, now, I write messages in Italian.  It’s a start, I know.  Speaking, of course, is a different thing; I feel quite stupid when I talk.

We’re all looking for the same thing really

“OK, now I’ll put the animals in order”

Of course, as soon as he had said “I’ll”, he realised his ‘mistake’ and said “we’ll” but that was too late and I was already laughing, since it was my “farm” and not his that we were looking at. He then added “No, I don’t want to be bossy”.  This just made me laugh harder still.

But he is, in a particular way, that could be, of course, potentially annoying but now and for some time to come I expect, very endearing. And with me being a little laid back about this kind of thing, I can, happily, let him do it, without it being any sort of deal for me.  In fact, if he wants to come do that in my house, I really wouldn’t stop him!

And so that you might understand what it was all about, there is this game on Facebook called Farmville. I am playing it because he wanted me to play it. And he loves it. And, like everything else in his life, it is all in perfect order – well, everything in his life except me, of course.

I explained to someone over the weekend that he was not V and that, quite frankly, I didn’t want V. V was then; F is now. But there are some things that are the same or, at least, similar. He likes to spend money. I hope, very much, that that is not ‘over spend’ but it is too early to say that right now. We have not discovered that far. Also, I learnt, yesterday morning that, when he is playing games, he likes to win. I said that he was like V in that respect. But it isn’t just like to win…..it’s almost must win!

So, the dinner. I expect you may be slightly interested in how it went. You have to bear in mind that he is, essentially, superb at customer relations, remembers all sorts of things and can hold a conversation so well.

He admitted to me that he was very nervous about it, before we went. I do understand. These things are important. If you’re together, as a couple, it’s essential that you like the friends and even more, they like you. But I knew they would like him.

So, there was, in the end, FfI (of course, she was the host and did all the cooking), FfCC and CwS. V2 was coming later. So, three women to start with. He had made a CD for FfI. She was delighted. He was, as always, chatty and pleasant and attentive and, well, bloody perfect.  I think they liked him.  Probably, even if they didn’t, they wouldn’t tell me but, you know, obviously, I can’t see how they wouldn’t adore him.

The conversation flowed.  It was easy and pleasant.  V2 arrived.  He is gay and an airline steward with one of the airlines of this country.  He brought wine (even though he doesn’t drink) and chocolate.  Of course, people asked where F was from.  This place is quite famous in Tuscany – or, at least, famous in Italy.  Anyway, during the conversation, he turned to me and said that we will go there in the summer!  So, now we have ‘plans’ for next year!  As long as he is taking it all slowly, that is fine.

All in all a lovely evening.  FfI, when we Skyped the next day, was a little concerned that they were too much for him.  But, hell, he works in the fashion industry and I really doubt that he couldn’t have experienced worse!  The only thing is that he really does know some quite famous people.  It’s coming out, bit by bit.  But, for me it’s like, OK, wow, and that’s it.  I guess I may meet some from time to time but that’s no big deal, really.  After all, they are just people.  I doubt if it would be as important to me as something like meeting Maya Angelou.  That was more important a meeting for me than anything else.  And, anyway, apart from the clothes, I don’t know what these people are like.  It’s not like writers.

Anyway, back to the story.  So, it all went well.  FfI thought he was really sweet, which he is.

We spent, more or less, the whole weekend together.  Saturday we went to A’s place, really to meet F, who I shall now call Fr so as not to get confused with my F.  A had done fish as a main course, which was lovely.  He was nervous because it was his first time doing fish.  He was doing fish because F doesn’t like anything that looks like pieces of meat!  And then, F says, as he did the night before, that he eats everything!  Which he doesn’t but he will if people have done it for him.  But I love him for that too.

So, Friday night was my place, Saturday his which meant that we had breakfast downstairs again.  “Our thing”, remember?  Although, really only ‘our thing’ for me, of course, since he is Italian and it’s quite normal for him.

Over the weekend we watched some films and generally had a lazy time.  I introduced him to Wallace and Gromit, which he instantly loved  We watched some more on Sunday when I brought the other DVD over from my place.

Then Sunday evening we were invited out with his friends, R&Al, who were going to a pizzeria with some other friends.  In fact, it was to celebrate one of the guy’s birthday.  So, there were 9 of us in the end. F turned to me and said this was why he didn’t want to come out like this.  Gay people are really not his cup of tea (and, yes, he used those exact words).  I agree with him.  R&Al are really nice though.  Then, later in the conversation, they were all talking about relationships and whether they should be ‘open’ or not.  And faithfulness and whether that was important or not.  F has very strong views on this, as I knew from the very first time I met him.  Luckily they completely correspond with my views.  That was one of the reasons that I liked him, even that first hour (although I had liked him before, anyway).

I must point out that, this pizzeria sucked. It is Donnarumma.  I had Diavola.  I think I have only tasted one other so bad in all the time I have been in Italy.  It was as if they had used the oldest salami in existence and it almost tasted off.  F had warned me that it wasn’t so good and he was right!  We both agreed that we shouldn’t go there again – but it is one of R&Al’s favourite as it is near their house and they like the food.  Boh!

During the evening he mentioned ‘we’ several times.  R&Al took the pith a little but softly and in a friendly way.  When R & I went out for a cigarette at one point, R was asking me how it was going.  I told him that it was going very well and that F really did make me so happy and that I understood F’s reasons for wanting to take it slowly, even if it is not really slowly.  I also explained to R that I didn’t have the experience that F has had and so, for me, it’s like ‘do it now’.  I think R understood my reasoning.  I hope so.  R did say ‘but you’re seeing each other almost every day!’.  Which is true, of course.  I hope they can see how much I love him.  Still, the ‘trust thing’ takes time and I still have to prove that.

And I know that you may think it’s not so slow, but it is.  There are many things we have yet to discuss and, like on Saturday night, he learnt that I make deserts and, of course, real English Trifle (not the Zuppa Inglese that Italians think is English Trifle – a bit like Roast Beef Inglese which any English person would be, quite frankly shocked to see, since, other than it being beef and roasted, is absolutely nothing like we would consider as Roast Beef).

And this morning, we both had to get up early.  So we were up at 6.  F made me coffee whilst I did Farmville.  It’s nice.  It’s domestic.

>On Friday night, after we left, V2 apparently said that what we appeared to have was exactly what he wanted and was asking why he wasn’t able to find it.  And the making of the coffee in the morning is what we are really talking about.  The little things that you do for each other.  The things that you do because you love the person (even if F hasn’t said that yet – I know it’s the same for him – it’s like he doesn’t want to take the risk of breaking the spell and me walking away); the little things that make a relationship.

But as FfI was explaining this to me, I said yes, but it’s like F had said to me on the chat, before we met, ‘we’re all looking for the same thing, really’

What one does

It seems that many people want to come to the dinner.  It’s like F is in a zoo or something!  I suppose it’s understandable.  It’s been almost a month and, so far, only A has met him.  However, it seemed a bit freaky that so many people wanted to come.

It scares me a little in that, I do love him (there, I said it, finally, to you) but I don’t want him to become, like, something exotic for others to stare at, if you see what I mean.

A said ‘you seem very easy with him’.  I’m not sure what that meant exactly.  Perhaps it meant you seem very at ease with him.  Which would be true.  It’s not ‘difficult’ but cool and very laid back.

Last night, the intention was to have an early night.  And I nearly did that – except that, when I got to bed it was cold and there was no one to snuggle up to and keep me warm.  I heard, on the radio, this morning, that it will be 0° tonight.  Brrr!  And I also found that, probably, the radiators (or some of them) are turned off so I need to fix that tomorrow.  And, I’ve been thinking of getting at least one portable heater.  I just can’t do the cold!

We spoke on the phone a couple of times.  He was so tired and it does make me feel a bit guilty – but, he has to be aware that I get up early and, as a consequence, need to go to bed earlier – although the night before was, to be fair, mostly my fault.

So, I got in bed and it was cold.  And I missed him.  And then I just kept thinking about him.  Worrying (as that seems to be my normal state of mind and is soooo annoying) that tonight would be difficult for him, even though he is well able to take care of himself.  He had said on the phone that I could go over.  He even offered to come over to mine!  That is really something as I know that would have been a great effort for him.  I told him to stay there, in the warm and get some good sleep.  Wow!  I can’t believe I said that!  That’s about the most sensible thing I’ve done since the start of my crazy period in April/May!

Of course, I really did want to see him, want to hold him, want to be with him but I had already decided, during the day, that I would not – and I was determined to stick to it.

But the offer from him to come over was really something.  It’s not like we live far away from each other but it’s still 10 minutes by taxi.

He wanted me to give a big kiss to Rufus after I explained that, unfortunately, I got in last night to find that Rufus had not been well.  I am surprised how fast he seems to be deteriorating and a little sad but that is the deal if you have dogs!  I am reminded of how wonderful a dog he has been.  You can actually leave open chocolates or biscuits on a table (or, within reach) and he won’t touch them!

I suppose I should tell V about it but I don’t want to tell him too early – and, right now it seems too early.

F wanted to give a smaller kiss to Dino – who, although a bit calmer now with F, is still maniacal! I hope he stops soon although, to be honest, F was playing with him for a while.

I like that he likes my dogs, obviously!  I like that he is comfortable to come and stay at the flat even if, the night before last, he did put the ashtray from the kitchen, outside on the windowsill – which is his thing!  It makes me smile.  I note that, already, I have started to change some things to accommodate him better.  They’re not a big deal for me but not things I would normally do.  I know he will do the same.

It’s what one does.

Walking away from me but not out of my life

OK.  Now it’s my turn.  The ‘meeting of friends’.

I told FfI that we were ‘on’ for dinner.  She suggested Friday or Saturday.  F agreed to either.  Now, all we have to do is fix it up.  With any luck FfC will be there too as I would love him to meet her as well.

I decided during the day that I really should be home with the dogs – at least for one night or, even better, every other night.  I thought that, as the cleaner would be in and the place would be reasonable, I should invite him over.

And then I thought about A and whether I would invite A to come too.

About 4 p.m. I sent F a text to ask if he would like to come over and stay at mine so that I could spend time with the dogs.  I promised him a cheap pizza (at Time Out 2 (Via Eustachi)).

Just after 5, I sent another text to say that I was leaving work.  I had had no reply.  As I was driving back I checked my phone regularly.  Nothing.  I started to worry.  Perhaps he didn’t want to stay at my place?  Perhaps he was just being kind and now working out a way to say ‘no’?  In my mind I went through the conversation (another one of those ‘serious’ ones about how he should always tell me the truth – even if he thinks it would hurt me because the truth was so much better than lies or half-truths).  The conversation that, probably, would never happen, like most that go through my mind.  Like the other conversations.

I got out of the car and walked the short distance home.  Because of my problems with 3 (who have got to be almost the worst telephone company in the world, now close to beating Telecom Italia), I texted V to see if he was receiving my texts.  At least, then, I would know if F had got my texts.  V replied that, yes, he got it OK.

I got into the flat and said hello to the dogs and the cleaner.  Offered the cleaner tea, as usual but he said he was in a hurry.

Then, F phoned me.  I was so relieved to see it was him calling but also there was a tinge of fear as to what he would say.  Instead, he asked what he should do – go home first or come straight to me!  I said he could come straight to me but he would need shower gel and a toothbrush.  He said OK.  He said it would be better because if he went home and had a shower, he would not want to come out later.  If the cleaner had not been there I think I would have shouted ‘YES!!!!’.  The cleaner was there.  Inside I shouted, at the top of my internal voice, ‘YES!!!!!’.

I decided that I would not phone A after all.  This time would be for us.

A called.  ‘What are you doing tonight?’, he asked.  I explained that F would arrive in about 10 minutes but that we intended to go out for a pizza and he could come too, if he would like.  It would mean that he could meet F.  He said OK and he would call shortly to confirm it would be OK, after I had told F.

F arrived.  It is so difficult to explain in words how happy I am to see him, every time.  I look at his face, his eyes.  I want to hold him.  We hug and kiss almost before he has got in through the door!  I tell him about A calling.  He says OK.

A calls and I tell him to come here and we can have a quick drink before going for a pizza.  I so want A to like F and vice versa.

We have a glass of wine and sit in the lounge.  Dino is over excited.  First there is F and he hasn’t really got used to him yet.  Then there is A and so, two new people.  I sit on the footstool and try and give Dino enough affection to ensure he doesn’t bother the other two.  They talk almost exclusively in Italian.  I understand some of it.  I think: I wonder if they will talk about me or talk about what F thinks of me?  But, F thinks that I understand more than I do, so maybe not.

They seem to get on.  F is charming and they have a long (I also hope good) conversation.  We go for a pizza.

F orders beers, even if A doesn’t really want beer.  Well, it’s not that he doesn’t want beer, really, and so, I think he is quite pleased, secretly.

F starts to translate the menu.  I’m not sure that it’s for me really, but more to check his English.  For me, of course, it is not necessary.  I translate some of the words for him.  I have explained that food translation is, generally not a problem, as it is my favourite subject!

F says that he knows which pizza I will have.  I am surprised that he thinks he knows.  But then he correctly guesses – Diavola – with salame piccante – ‘hot’ salame although for you English and Americans you wouldn’t really notice it was ‘hot’!  I am surprised and then think that, actually, I almost always choose this pizza.  I choose to have Volcano (Diavola with an egg).

Sometimes F can be quite ‘strong’.  As usual, he orders everyone’s food.  I find this endearing – as if he needs to order for me because I can’t speak Italian. But I also find it strange that he should order for A.  Normally this is A’s job.  But I quite like that F is strong enough that he just does it and A doesn’t complain.

They do a lot of talking in Italian.  I notice (notice being a strange thing to say but, just for a moment it seems like it is ‘just notice’, like for the first time, even if this is not true) F’s hands.  I want to hold them.  They seem small and delicate and lovely and sweet and I want to grab his hand and kiss it and kiss the palm, like I do when we’re alone.  And as I write this I realise I didn’t do that last night and know that I should have.  He likes it.

But, I notice the hands; his hands; his beautiful hands.  I look at his face as he speaks to A.  It’s true, he is not the most beautiful man in the world but, to me, he is.  I am sitting next to him and listening to him talk to A and thinking that we are not close enough; we can never be close enough or, at least, not right now.

We finish the pizzas.  I stretch my arm over the back of F’s chair, resting my hand on the back but now being able to stroke his back with my thumb.  It will do but even this act makes me want more!  I notice that there is a mirror by the side of him so that all the other people in the restaurant can see what I am doing, if they were to look; I find that I really don’t care.  I am proud to be with him; to have him here at my side; to let everyone know that I adore him.

A is hungry – which is not really a surprise.  F wants a sweet.  They bring the sweet menu.  A doesn’t normally have a sweet but will in this case.  He would prefer another pizza.  The sweets arrive.  I leave some of mine, partly because I am not really hungry and partly because I know that F will eat it – but only if I say I don’t want any more.  It’s what A’s F does with A.  I wonder if she does it for the same reason?

A is still hungry.  Again F is very strong – and how I love this!  He insists that A has another pizza.  A fights this – but not too hard and, anyway, F makes it like ‘fun’ and tells the waitress that A lost a bet and now has to eat another pizza.  F and I have another beer.  Then F & I have a mirto – this is nowhere near as good as the Sardinian restaurant of Friday night but still……

A doesn’t want a mirto – until we have ours.  So a third is ordered.  F complains that he hates the glasses (tall and thin) because it is difficult to drink with his nose the way it is.  He does have a large, Italian nose.  I see how it is difficult.  I think: even his nose is beautiful.

He kisses me in front of A – not something I would normally do but F is less frightened of showing affection than me and, anyway, I like it and not only let him do it but reciprocate willingly.

It’s not a long, lingering kiss – that will come later when we’re on our own.  But it’s still there.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see A, a little uncomfortable and think: well, you need to get used to it because this is what F does and why not?

We leave.  I think A likes him.  F does ask me, at one point, if he is being ‘too much’.  I tell him that no, I don’t believe so.

I know I am biased, but I loved him for being so wonderful with A and told him so.  I hope that he feels the same about me with his friends and think that, probably, he does.  As he has said from the beginning, really, we all want the same thing – and both of us are working hard to fit into each others lives – and it is such a pleasure; it gives us such pleasure to do so.

This morning, I do my new plan, allowing him to sleep for over an hour more.  It’s not enough for him but it’s better than nothing.

I drive him home this morning.

As I drive down the road to work, I watch him in the rear-view mirror, walking away from me but not out of my life.  No, no, not at all.