A heavy weekend; too much to drink; too tired; SLTG

This was started on Monday, but I never finished it, I’m afraid. So:

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On driving in Italy, red lights, rain, irony, sarcasm

Yesterday morning it rained on my way to work.  Not particularly heavy, but it would have made the roads potentially greasy.  For that reason I tend to be a bit slower, try to give myself more time for braking by positioning myself further from the car in front, etc.

But why, I ask, that when it rains, people do the strangest of things.  I mean, it’s as if it’s not raining when they pull out in front of you.  This also happens when it snows.

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The sun went green in Milan

Today, in Milan, the sun turned green!  Yes, that’s right, it was only a slight hue of green, but green it was.  It was very strange walking around in this slightly green light.  It seemed to make the leaves on the trees (yes we have a lot of them in Milan although how they survive in the pollution beats me) much greener than normal.  Walking around, people were just staring up towards the sun or there with their hands in front of them, examining them, as if they had some dread disease.  It was quite freaky, just like some sort of Science Fiction film.  Except that we were here and it wasn’t some film set.

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On being ‘obviously’ not a national – racists and bigots

We were catching a plane and I quite like certain airlines.  My favourite is Lufthansa followed by Alitalia.  For about 9 months I flew Lufthansa every week to Cologne and I found them to be great.  So, although this time we were not going to Germany, we were using Lufthansa and that meant a connection in Frankfurt.

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Changing the air: no plants in the bedroom: soap on the plates

I have mentioned before about the Italians need to ‘change the air’.  This is a requirement from birth, I think.  Si, bless her, no longer opens the window first thing in the morning, in the office, because I am there.  She used to come in, open the window, go and have a coffee, and then come back and close it.  I only learnt this fact this week.

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You can’t call it procrastination.

No one makes any bloody decisions around here!

Everything is talked about – endlessly.  V is currently very frustrated by the fact that he can sit in a meeting (or many meetings) where people can say ‘yes, I agree with that action, in principle’ but nobody actually says ‘yes, I agree.  Do it’.

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Court – it’s a lottery; learning to drive – whose fault is it anyway?

I remember a court case that a company (C), was involved in.  They were providing software for an organisation (TO) which didn’t think that they had done a good job and the statistics (which was the point of the software) weren’t good.  C wanted their money, of course.

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