It was stupid of me, really. But I did owe it to them (A & F2) and it seemed such a good idea about a week ago.
So, today, went horribly wrong. Well, horribly is probably too strong a word.
First, instead of moving the rest (well, nearly) of his stuff from S’s flat to his new flat, last night, we did it this morning. It was snowing last night and F was really tired. However, that wasn’t in my plan.
Then there was the shopping to do. I required the meat, the vegetables, the stuff to make desert, some cold meat for starters, etc. Then, I had to get tins. I only brought one roasting tin with me and, for what I am doing, I need at least 3. And then, finally, I had to get scales. I just couldn’t go on any more without them. Especially if I am to make a half-decent Treacle Tart.
I mentioned that to F last night or the night before. He seemed a little jealous but I promised to keep some for him. And I also bought some mince to make him Cottage Pie so that, this week, if he feels he wants something other than sandwiches, he can have that in the evening. It is his favourite English dish anyway.
But I explained that I was doing Roast Beef and it seemed a good idea to invite A & Fr – especially as Fr has returned from down South only today after some operation she had to have. And I said that it was a good idea as F didn’t eat meat (well, not like roasted or grilled meat – meat that looks like meat) and, as he was going to be working it was the perfect time. I did get the impression that he was a bit disgruntled by it but, as I said, I promised to keep him some Treacle Tart.
So, first we will have prosciutto crudo and coppa, then these peppers stuffed with tomatoes and anchovies (which is really nice), then Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding and then Treacle Tart – maybe with custard too. And I got a really nice bottle of Barolo to go with it, which I know A will appreciate. Oh, and I have cheese (Stilton and Cheddar) and some Port for after. Mmmmm.
And now, as I write this, sometime after 6 p.m. I have not done the ironing nor cleaned the flat nor anything of the things that I simply had to do. I have put the new pans in to be washed in a moment and I will do some ironing in a minute and then I might make the treacle tat or, more likely, I shall do it tomorrow.
I used to be quite good at preparing. Now I just leave everything to the last possible minute. It’s not that I don’t care but I do think, these days, that there is so much more to worry about than if everything is ‘perfect’. Normally it all works out OK in the end.
And F is sorting out his flat. He will still be staying here for a bit though and I am really happy about that. I really like having him around; I like his presence, his ‘being here’.
And, as I write this, he arrives. The hot water at the new flat not working.
And so I save this for later.
And he had a bad headache so I made him Camomile Tea, gave him an aspirin and he’s gone to bed.
Anyway, so now I have not done the things I should have and I will be rushing in the morning and so, what seemed like a good idea at the time (inviting A & Fr round for Sunday lunch) now seems so much more difficult.
And, remember, this is the oven that I hate. No numbers on the dial just High, Low and Off. Not my perfect kitchen. Still, we hope it all turns out all right in the end.
Oh, yes, and one of the new pans that I bought is too large for the tiny oven. Hmmmph!