Piero is growing fast. Now he is half the height of Dino. He is also getting more mischievous.
Take this morning. F took them to the pinetta and let me sleep for an extra hour. Then we got ready to come to the beach. Piero was, as usual, outside. This time he was round the back of the house, discovering some new thing, something new to chew or somewhere colder than elsewhere.
It was nearly time to go. I walked round to the back and could see him the other side of the low wall, tucked in by the back fence.
I called him. He pricked up his ears. After another couple of calls, he got up and came trotting towards me. Dino had appeared by now and so they followed me back round to the front. Dino went ahead up the (marble) steps and I followed. I got to the door and looked behind me. Piero had got halfway up the steps but, realising that we were going inside, paused.
I noticed that he half turned and knew it was because he didn’t want to come in and went to get him. He turned full circle and bounded down the steps.
Luckily for me, he headed for the gate so I got him but it’s only a matter of time before he realises that his best bet is to head towards the back where he will be more difficult to get.
I can see us now, running round the garden with him thinking it’s a great game!