The problem is that I really want to talk it through with someone.
That someone is not F, for F can’t see past the concept in his head.
Best Mate is far away. It needs a non-Italian to understand. It needs someone close, who knows me well enough but also distant for the “situation”.
What to do? What to do?
The people I could talk to are Italian. I don’t have any anglo-saxon-type mates.
It’s just to talk it through, really. Obviously, once I do that, I’ll make my decisions, regardless of what anyone thinks
I would do it here – but here is a bit dangerous. So, not here.
It kept me awake last night. It’s going to keep me awake until I figure out what my decision is. It’s a bugger, really.
In the meantime, the Visits continue but, maybe, hopefully, are nearing an end.