Well, summer has truly started. Not only is it hot, and I mean hot all the time, even during the night, but the mozzies are well and truly back – big time.
Tag Archives: Restaurants
A Grand Day Out
In the UK, if someone suggests a trip out, where you were going to travel for two hours to get there and two to get back, you would tend to make a day of it. So, for instance, when we lived in Herefordshire and you decided to go to, let’s say Aberystwyth, you would set of at, say, 10 a.m., reach Aberystwyth, have lunch, enjoy the afternoon having a walk around and set off home at 6 or 7 p.m.
Solution to cockroaches, Pirates, burgers and Hay (of course)
N was telling me last night about her successful cockroach killing secret weapon. It seems that they have had a couple of them in her flat and it’s not just her apartment, but the whole building. The landlady gave her some bait to put down, which she duly did and then she saw the cockroach come along, dance for a while around the bait and then scamper off!
Exciting visitors to my sites; sushi with friends; hot, hot, hot; zanzare; Alitalia and Italian Customer Service!
Yesterday, as I was posting the post below and changing a few things (because WordPress does funny things to the post sometimes – I think it’s the font that causes the problem), I checked my visitors and found someone else reading my blog at the same time! This is quite freaky. Those of you who have blogs that actually have visitors all the time may not appreciate how exciting this can be. I mean, we’re on the site exactly at the same time!
Cool air at last and other things
Finally, as the temperature had reached a whopping 32 degrees C, the air conditioning has been switched on! Hurrah!
Too late for the visitor, drinking ‘culture’ and violence, sushi, don’t tell the foreigner.
There you go! I missed my visitor from Oregon. Checking my stats this morning – they didn’t visit last night. Oh well, they will probably never know that the post below was really for them.
C’s visit, Dialogue in the Dark, Flamingos in a private garden, Danes, from camels to Britney Spears, handsome new boyfriend (I already have mine) and a couple of rants and clowney.
I wouldn’t call this post ‘news’, since that implies something amazing. A round-up of events is probably a better description. And it’s long because it includes a rant, so, sorry about that in advance.
They think it’s all over – It is now!
Football. Manchester United versus Milan. Last night, all the bars that had coverage via satellite were doing a roaring trade. I found it difficult to find a place to park – and we’re the opposite side of Milan! It seems that, to really enjoy the evening, people had travelled from outside Milan into the centre to go and watch the spectacle at a bar!
A very pleasant Sunday, Chocolate Ice Cream & Rufus – looking pretty
It didn’t quite go as planned on Sunday after all. We DID go for a walk up Corso Buenos Aires on Sunday afternoon as many of the shops were open. We DID take Rufus, who got lots of admiring looks and lots of ‘che bello’s’ and who was perfectly behaved, as usual. V got some presents for the birthday of a girl at work because he always seems to be the one responsible for taking the collection money and finding the presents.
Writing on Saturday and posting on Sunday
I just looked at the blog and the temperature here is 24 degrees. It’s wonderful. There is a slight breeze, unusually for Milan, which makes it very, very pleasant.