Yesterday, as I was posting the post below and changing a few things (because WordPress does funny things to the post sometimes – I think it’s the font that causes the problem), I checked my visitors and found someone else reading my blog at the same time! This is quite freaky. Those of you who have blogs that actually have visitors all the time may not appreciate how exciting this can be. I mean, we’re on the site exactly at the same time!
Tag Archives: English
Too late for the visitor, drinking ‘culture’ and violence, sushi, don’t tell the foreigner.
There you go! I missed my visitor from Oregon. Checking my stats this morning – they didn’t visit last night. Oh well, they will probably never know that the post below was really for them.
C’s visit, Dialogue in the Dark, Flamingos in a private garden, Danes, from camels to Britney Spears, handsome new boyfriend (I already have mine) and a couple of rants and clowney.
I wouldn’t call this post ‘news’, since that implies something amazing. A round-up of events is probably a better description. And it’s long because it includes a rant, so, sorry about that in advance.
Filtered words
So, the English language is just great, isn’t it. V sent me a message from work and I replied. I was explaining about going for a fag. The next thing I know is that I get a message from our internal filter/firewall system to tell me that the message had been purged.
New Year’s celebrations
I love Italy. I love the Italians. I think I love the Italian way of life, but it’s more complicated than it seems at first, which is to be expected. I love the culture. I love the buildings (and, in particular, many buildings in Milan). I expected much more red-tape, but, so far, I have been pleasantly surprised.
BUT, don’t go thinking that living in Italy is just like living in the UK, but with better food and more red-tape. It’s not the same at all. Of course, I’m sure you can go to certain areas (Tuscany, maybe), where there will be enclaves of British folk living their British way of life, but in a beautiful setting and where, should you wish, you need not worry too much about actually living with the Italians.
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2005 Update
Hi everyone. Happy New Year, Buon Anno e Auguri!
OK, so I know it’s been a while since our last update, but we have had a very busy year and time just slipped away.
However, not having the ability to email for most of the last month or so – and particularly now (something up with the hosting company) means I have a chance to sit and write something. And now (as you can see) I have the ability to blog – which is just fantastic. Will that make me better in the future – we shall see!