More Pieros than I know what to do with!

I went to choose Piero last night, straight from work.

Here is the man, holding the two possible Pieros so I could take a photograph:

Piero and, er Piero

I have to choose one! So difficult

They look the same, right? Well, yes, almost. They have slightly different markings. Maybe they’re still too young to choose?

This is one of the possible Pieros:

Piero, perhaps, maybe .....

Piero, perhaps, maybe …..

But, in the end, it is too difficult to choose. I did have a couple of videos here but now they either aren’t there or don’t seem to work :-(

In the end I couldn’t choose. The guy said (I think), not to worry and they would make sure I got the right one.

I hope. I tried to explain it will be difficult to come back in the next week or so. I hope they understood.

The Culture of Blame

It is the ‘thing to do’ these days. To blame someone (anyone) for something that has happened that is bad or, at least, not good.

Our place (of work) is full of it. It annoys the hell out of me.

But it’s a problem also, apparently, in the UK where those people claiming benefit blame others for their ‘bad luck’. Of course, the government wants to stamp out this ‘blame culture’ asap.

Well, nearly. Not completely. Otherwise, the Chancellor of the Exchequer would be unable to blame Europe for the fact that the UK is in another recession. And, if he couldn’t blame Europe then who could he blame? Well, not the last government – not now they’ve had chance to fix everything. And, anyway, that would still require blaming someone else.

So, then he would have to take responsibility for the recession.

Now that would be a bugger, wouldn’t it?

I’m going to take my toys away and not play any more.

[We are] sympathetic to those needs, we want to see a society in which gay people are fully included and their needs are fully provided for.

Except, of course, in this one case, where we don’t actually want them to be fully included at all.

In fact, if you do this, we’re going to take our toys away and sulk in the corner. And that’ll show you, won’t it!

Surprisingly, this is not a three-year-old child talking but some senior adult person in the Church of England.

They are, as you may have guessed, talking about marriage and the fact that by changing the law it will change the whole idea of marriage. Because marrying two people is not the same as marrying a man and a woman.

And, because they’re frightened that some of their powerbase will disappear and they will become irrelevant by virtue of some countries splitting from the CofE and becoming the Church of Nigeria or some other backward place.

However, what I didn’t know until now was that the CofE is obliged to marry a man and a woman (if they are residents of the UK) in their church, even if they are not of ‘the faith’. Apparently, it’s law. They have to do it. And they are worried that, for all the ‘safeguards’ from the government, the European Court of Human Rights might see things differently and determine that the current law should also apply to queer people.

Apparently, “Marriage benefits society in many ways, not only by promoting mutuality and fidelity [which, quite obviously it won’t be able to do once we allow gay people to marry], but also by acknowledging an underlying biological complementarity which, for many, includes the possibility of procreation.”
Hang on! Only 25% of people get married in Church anyway. So, that would be many (but not all) of that 25%, I guess. So, maybe 20% of the population!

And they say that gay people are a minority and trying to ride roughshod over these 20% of people’s views. So that’s a minority trying to tell another minority what to do? Whereas, the 20% that are saying we want everyone to be equal except in this case are NOT a minority trying to tell another minority what they can and can’t do?


If the church was fairly irrelevant before, it becomes more irrelevant with this kind of skewed argument.

But, didn’t they used to have all sorts of other ‘rules’ too? Like not marrying someone who was black to someone who was white? Did the change in law take anything away from the ‘institution of marriage’?

Not that I have a beef one way or another, since I won’t be getting married in or out of any church. But, really, what a hypocritical, bigoted bunch of w£$%&!rs they are. May their demise or revelation come quickly.

Quotes came from here