Should any of you be confused about what just happened re: the EU and Greece and the agreement, a Greek guy has done a rather good write up, explaining what it really means.
Thanks, Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex).
Should any of you be confused about what just happened re: the EU and Greece and the agreement, a Greek guy has done a rather good write up, explaining what it really means.
Thanks, Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex).
There are just 2 weekends to go and then it’s almost our holiday. I say “our” meaning mine, since F won’t be with me the first week.
Instead, Best Mate will be.
I am just so ready for this holiday. The problem is that I know that the holiday will also pass like an express train so, although I can’t wait for it to come, I also don’t want it to come, if you see what I mean. For as soon as it starts, it will seem to end.
There is also the weather. As usual, it is incredibly hot. It is July and this is normal. The problem is that last year, the end of July also triggered a significant change in the weather, for the worse. I’m hoping this year is not the case.
People are, as usual, complaining that it’s too hot – although the temperatures are only in the mid-thirties °C (although the temperature felt is closer to the forties.) The rain which my forecast keeps promising is due in the next 10 days (for about the last three weeks) has failed to materialise – but today does seem as if it might rain.
Over the next couple of weekends, we’re going to try out a few restaurants nearby, so that I have places to take Best Mate who will be with me for just over a week. Obviously, we have some – Bati Bati (lardo and asparagus pizza), Venezia (fish), La Brace (meat) – but we need more. I have also thought that, maybe, one night we do a barbecue in the garden. We’ll see how it goes. I’m very easy-going about it all tbh.
So, only 17 days to go until I pick BM up from the airport and start my hols! Yeah!!