Sporadic posting and looking forward to next weekend

I’m not the only one but, still, I feel guilty. It’s been 10 days since my last post! And, as a result, traffic is down. Not that traffic is so important, but it’s nice to know that there are people that read my blog (and I’m talking about the regular readers, here).

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It’s all about persistence, persistence, persistence!

Its all about persistence

Persistence is the key here, in Italy and, in particular, Milan. This is true especially when it comes to bureaucracy. It comes down to the big, age-old problem of ‘taking responsibility’.

You see, from my experience, in general, they just don’t like taking any responsibility and especially if it means going out on a limb.

So, one queries how anything ever gets done here. How does anything change? If it’s not done in the time-honoured manner, then it just can’t be done.

R, my boss, explained to me that, seven years ago, a law was introduced allowing certain official documents to be circumvented (at least temporarily) by composing a self-certification document. I have the particular article of the law in front of me and the list of acceptable self-certification particulars is long.

For instance, you can certify your place and date of birth; where you are resident; professional qualifications, etc.

One small problem. For the first two years after this law was introduced, nearly everywhere refused to accept the self-certification as an official or allowed document, according to R.

And even now, some people, even if it is on their own organisation’s website, are adamant that these things are not acceptable! It’s incredible although, the more I am here, the more credible it is, given the way Italians are.

Anyway, the persistence thing comes in to play in almost every aspect, especially when dealing with officials. One office/department/even official will tell you what they know – which of course may not always be exactly how it should be – just how they know it. But, as another will tell you something slightly differently or even something opposite, it pays to keep digging and keep asking – if you can stand it, of course.

Oh, Italy would be a great country, a world-respected country, if only there wasn’t this Italian mental shrug of the shoulders – which is really to shrug off the responsibility from oneself.

Mozzies; on holiday all the time; ice-cream; Wimbledon and weather

Well, summer has truly started. Not only is it hot, and I mean hot all the time, even during the night, but the mozzies are well and truly back – big time.

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A Grand Day Out

In the UK, if someone suggests a trip out, where you were going to travel for two hours to get there and two to get back, you would tend to make a day of it. So, for instance, when we lived in Herefordshire and you decided to go to, let’s say Aberystwyth, you would set of at, say, 10 a.m., reach Aberystwyth, have lunch, enjoy the afternoon having a walk around and set off home at 6 or 7 p.m.

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A heavy weekend; too much to drink; too tired; SLTG

This was started on Monday, but I never finished it, I’m afraid. So:

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The sun went green in Milan

Today, in Milan, the sun turned green!  Yes, that’s right, it was only a slight hue of green, but green it was.  It was very strange walking around in this slightly green light.  It seemed to make the leaves on the trees (yes we have a lot of them in Milan although how they survive in the pollution beats me) much greener than normal.  Walking around, people were just staring up towards the sun or there with their hands in front of them, examining them, as if they had some dread disease.  It was quite freaky, just like some sort of Science Fiction film.  Except that we were here and it wasn’t some film set.

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