I have mentioned before about the Italians need to ‘change the air’. This is a requirement from birth, I think. Si, bless her, no longer opens the window first thing in the morning, in the office, because I am there. She used to come in, open the window, go and have a coffee, and then come back and close it. I only learnt this fact this week.
Tag Archives: Milan
The Hay Festival is nearly over and I got run over!
Well, it’s been a few days since my last post and a few things have been happening.
UK Bank Holiday weather and the Hay Festival, Confirmation, Hot Sweaty Priest
So, it’s Bank Holiday in the UK with cold, wet weather – there’s a surprise! If it’s any consolation to you, we too have colder and very, very wet weather as I write this. The difference is that it is not a Bank Holiday weekend so I am at work.
Exciting visitors to my sites; sushi with friends; hot, hot, hot; zanzare; Alitalia and Italian Customer Service!
Yesterday, as I was posting the post below and changing a few things (because WordPress does funny things to the post sometimes – I think it’s the font that causes the problem), I checked my visitors and found someone else reading my blog at the same time! This is quite freaky. Those of you who have blogs that actually have visitors all the time may not appreciate how exciting this can be. I mean, we’re on the site exactly at the same time!
Too late for the visitor, drinking ‘culture’ and violence, sushi, don’t tell the foreigner.
There you go! I missed my visitor from Oregon. Checking my stats this morning – they didn’t visit last night. Oh well, they will probably never know that the post below was really for them.
C’s visit, Dialogue in the Dark, Flamingos in a private garden, Danes, from camels to Britney Spears, handsome new boyfriend (I already have mine) and a couple of rants and clowney.
I wouldn’t call this post ‘news’, since that implies something amazing. A round-up of events is probably a better description. And it’s long because it includes a rant, so, sorry about that in advance.
They think it’s all over – It is now!
Football. Manchester United versus Milan. Last night, all the bars that had coverage via satellite were doing a roaring trade. I found it difficult to find a place to park – and we’re the opposite side of Milan! It seems that, to really enjoy the evening, people had travelled from outside Milan into the centre to go and watch the spectacle at a bar!
Picture Post
The Random Google Image is above.
This post is putting some of the pictures I had promised and one from today.
Abandoned clothes!
Imagine, if you will, walking in the park. Stopping and sitting, quietly, on a grass bank. The weather is good, so you take off your shirt and carelessly throw it on the rock behind you. You decide to make yourself more comfortable, so you take off your boots. You realise that you shouldn’t have been wearing your boots in such hot weather, but at least, now, you can relax. You unzip them and put them, side by side, leaving the zips undone. You sit there soaking up the sun.
A Far-Off Country – Part Two
I have come back from the far-off country and, let me tell you, it’s so good to be back home.