OK so the problem I had with the websites that I have been working on (and off and on) over the last couple of weeks is finally solved. I think. I hope!
It included over a week of inactivity whilst the hosting company detected and solved the problem with some (I suppose) hack on their servers and then me fixing the WordPress parts. The main thing is that the hack that made the Dashboard really crap (for both the customer and me) has now gone away, which I like. I had a few hairy moments today but, now that’s it’s fixed, I am so much happier. It’s been weighing on my mind somewhat.
Now, once the backup is complete, I shall do a bit of tidying up on that one site and then, maybe, update my site.
So, I think that’s nearly done.
The editing I have been doing in my waiting times is also nearly complete – although that is no chore but rather lovely, to be honest. But, I reckon on finishing it by tomorrow. So that’s nearly done too.
And, then, this lunchtime, I went and paid the deposit and agency fee for the new house. Tomorrow evening, we go to sign the contracts and, in theory, it will be ours to furnish and sort out from 1st June. This is good because, as I may have mentioned, F’s flat has already been rented to someone from 1st June.
So the flat “getting” is nearly done. Obviously the moving part isn’t but that’s not so bad.
But I’ve stopped worrying (for now) about the moving in together thing as I was sorting out the website and that was much more of a worry.
So that’s good too.
So, nearly there in more than one way!