One out.

I said 4 instead of 3.

To be honest, I couldn’t be sure. Was it 2009 or 2008?

I know I should know but, well, I don’t.

So I said 4.

In fact it’s 3. I had to check this blog to be sure.

Well, it WILL be 3 – at 9.45 this evening. When we shall be at our favourite restaurant for a quiet, lovely dinner. To celebrate. To celebrate 3 (and not 4).

But I was only one out, after all. And it does feel like longer (and shorter).

That’s just the way it is.

A lack of benefits?

A list of the benefits.

But, what if that list doesn’t really contain many (or, indeed, any). What then?

Well, I guess, that kind of changes everything, doesn’t it?

I mean, the whole point of anything is that the benefits must outweigh the disadvantages or things that are decidedly NOT benefits.

And, if they don’t, then, where does that leave you?


Religion, Lies Part 1 (and THAT newspaper.)

The DailyHateMail is at it again.

Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister of the UK, apparently, in a speech that was issued (but not actually made), called the people opposing the right of marriage for gay people, bigots.

Today, the headline in the DM says I apologise for my gay marriage ‘bigot’ slur, says Clegg as he tries to limit fallout caused by remark

Clegg wrote a letter which, apparently, says:

‘Those extracts were neither written or approved by me. They do not represent my views, which is why they were subsequently withdrawn.

‘While I am a committed advocate of equal marriage, I would never refer to people who oppose it in this way. Indeed, I know people myself who do not support equal marriage and, although I disagree with them, clearly I do not think they are bigots. Nor do I think it is acceptable they, or anyone else, are insulted in this way.

‘My views on this issue are no secret, but I respect the fact that some people feel differently to me about marriage, often because of their religious beliefs.

‘I hope this explanation helps clarify what happened yesterday as well as my position, and I hope that the serious error that occurred will not cause lasting offence.’

Well, a couple of things here.

1. Clegg didn’t make the speech. And, in any event, these people don’t actually write their speeches. So, someone (but NOT Clegg) wrote the speech which was issued ahead of the event at which Clegg was going to speak. The to-do that occurred as a result meant that the words were changed (or, perhaps it really WAS a mistake).

2. The letter that Clegg subsequently wrote does not apologise for something that he didn’t say in the first place.

3. The definition of a bigot, namely a person having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of their own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others, seems to fit quite well. That’s religion for you.


Thursday was Mantova and the Festivaletteratura. A book festival. Of course it’s about books and, normally, selling them. It’s a requirement of the authors to go around pushing their books. So they talk about them.

I went to three events and with each one moved to better understand. The first was a translation event – translating from Spanish to Italian. Hmmm. I understood the concept and some of it. Then, another with an English speaker and, finally, an event with Aiden Chambers. As both the author and interviewer spoke English, I understood completely.

But the time went so fast! Last time, without anyone with me, there were times when I didn’t know what to do with myself. This time, I didn’t seem to have lots of ‘spare’ time.

I did spend several hours with Peter over lunch and also with him and Marella at a rather quick dinner (since I had a train to catch).

It was a truly delightful day. Sara looked after me as Marella was ill in the morning but she came in late in the afternoon and, although she wasn’t really well, it was fabulous to see her.

Although, thinking about it now, I never asked about her lovely daughter – but we didn’t talk alone or for long, unfortunately.

I was late back that night. F had looked after the dogs but, even so, we got to bed late and, therefore, were up late and, so, left late the next morning.

For this was a long weekend in Carrara.

That evening, we went with his sister and family to the beer festival that Marina di Carrara has every year.

Since F’s twin brother also works/volunteers there, it’s kind of obligatory.

We ate and drunk beer. The food was good, the beer OK. There were people from Inglestad doing traditional tunes, songs and dancing, in traditional costume. The men wearing liederhosen (spelling?) And the women crisp white blouses and long green skirts.

At one point the put on some tacky Italian music and in came some Italian dancers. I was struck by the difference. Perhaps one should call it national dress. Although dressed slightly more than the dancers that break up game shows on Italian TV, it was all boobs and legs.

It drew more clapping and cheers than the Germans had got :-) – after all, the men had got to see more flesh :-)

After the food and the beer (and the dancers), we walked around the stalls. Everyone bought something, except me.

Friends were met at various times, one of whom I knew.

Two different festivals in two days. And now the beach ……

I am really ready for this

The holiday starts next Friday and I can hardly wait.

I am so busy at the moment that I seem to not even have a second to myself. Of course, that’s an exaggeration – especially as every weekend we are away. But it does feel like it.

So, three weeks away (F is only coming the first two) – with time to relax, is definitely a need.

Who knows, we might even get to meet up with Lola. I’ve mentioned it to F and he thinks we might make Pietrasanta the place to meet as we’re supposed to go to some restaurant there. It’s run by the nephew or someone connected to the woman vet who has the umbrella just in front of us.

And we have to go to La Brace ‘cos F really wants to go there (we didn’t go last year).

And we have to do other things. Hmm. I can see it will be just as busy – but at least it will involve much eating and drinking ;-)

It’s time to move on.

“It will be fixed within 3 days”, he states.

“What? Another 3 days?”, I query with a certain amount of incredulity.

“What do you mean?”, he asks.

“I rang on Friday evening”, I reply, “and they told me that it would be fixed by Monday”.

“One moment”, he says, “I will check our records”.

I wait. I can hear the clicking of keys on keyboard.

“No, I’m sorry but I don’t have any record on the system”.

“But I did ring on Friday evening”.

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that there’s nothing on the computer and that means that we can’t do anything until the 26th. If it still doesn’t work on the 26th, call us and we can send an email to the Technical people”.

Well, on the bright side, I now know how it works.

They receive a call to say that it isn’t working and they do nothing for three days. If, in three days, their technical people haven’t fixed the problem, then, and only then, will they contact the technical people.

They are, in fact, a bunch of tossers.

Today I look for someone else to provide me with the Internet as Telecom Italia are a fucking disgrace.

The weekend on our own

It’s the last weekend we’ll be on our own. Just me and Dino.

We’re going down to the seaside house tonight and, although I enjoy it, it’s just not the same without F. I’ll do most of the things we usually do, even going to F’s parent’s for dinner – but, in any case, it’s not the same at all.

Still, the weather will be very hot and sunny and F will be working, so I really shouldn’t complain.

And I’ll have two days on the beach to improve my tan a bit – and play cards and continue reading the book that I’m enjoying (which I would tell you the title of – but it’s already down there and I can’t remember) and playing games on my phone and, generally, relaxing.

The one advantage of F not being there is that I should be able to sleep in a bit longer, which I am looking forward to – especially as, in a couple of weeks, when Piero joins us, I will be getting even less sleep than now!

So wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, have a nice weekend.

Saving? Where? Oh – you mean NOT spending more than before? Is that saving? Really?

Imagine I spend €300 per month, every month.

Then imagine that the government decide to increase sales tax (VAT/IVA) or something from next month. It will mean that, in future, instead of spending €300 I will have to spend €350.

Then, imagine that the government decide to postpone the tax increase until, let’s say, the end of the year.

So, instead of spending €300, as I do now, I will be spending €300 – the same – until the end of the year.

Let me just count out how much I have ‘saved’. Oh, I see that, in fact I have not saved anything but I will not be spending extra for a little while yet.

Compare this with:

I spend €300 per month every month.

The government CUT taxes from next month. It will mean that, instead of spending €300 per month, I will be spending €250 per month. In this case I will be spending €50 less and, so I can actually ‘save’ that money. It’s a kind of bonus to me and is a real saving since I will, actually, be paying LESS.

People’s ideas of ‘saving’ is incredible. The only way you save anything is to spend LESS than you did before.

V used to try this thing with me some times, a long time ago, and it’s logic was of the very worst kind.

The little scenario went like this:

“Do you know how much I saved with this shirt?”

“Well, as you actually SPENT money, I can’t see how you have SAVED any at all!”

“But it was a bargain”

OK, so I paraphrase a lot – but you get the picture. I know other people who do this – it’s not just him.

But back to recent news.

If a tax increase is not put into effect, nobody has SAVED anything at all. It does mean that, in the future, people will not have to spend as much as they might, but it hasn’t made anything cheaper.

And so, this latest so-called U-turn by the government of the UK to NOT put up the tax on petrol (gas to you, Gail) as had been planned, is being lauded and trashed by all and sundry at the same time. But it seems, to me, that everyone is missing the point or points.

This decision to postpone the tax hike will NOT mean that anyone will SAVE money. They will just not spend as much as they might have done.

And this is no U-turn. The hike is not cancelled – merely postponed.

So here is something that is being done in response to the beating they were getting for daring to increase a tax when the country is all but down the drain (See my post Death Valley – UK High Street). But don’t think, for a moment, that anyone will be saving anything.

And then there was this little piece with a video of the Newsnight “interview”

… and then this stupidness – in the same paper!

To be honest, she deserved everything she got. The answer to “When did you know?” is very simple and involves a time or, at least, a date. From there on, it was always going to be downhill.

But, then, if they can equate ‘saving’ to ‘not having to spend more’ then, I guess, we’re all doomed. Might as well have V go and be Prime Minister! :-(

The Culture of Blame

It is the ‘thing to do’ these days. To blame someone (anyone) for something that has happened that is bad or, at least, not good.

Our place (of work) is full of it. It annoys the hell out of me.

But it’s a problem also, apparently, in the UK where those people claiming benefit blame others for their ‘bad luck’. Of course, the government wants to stamp out this ‘blame culture’ asap.

Well, nearly. Not completely. Otherwise, the Chancellor of the Exchequer would be unable to blame Europe for the fact that the UK is in another recession. And, if he couldn’t blame Europe then who could he blame? Well, not the last government – not now they’ve had chance to fix everything. And, anyway, that would still require blaming someone else.

So, then he would have to take responsibility for the recession.

Now that would be a bugger, wouldn’t it?